Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Dow Plunges on one day Named Here

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am interested in the study of the matrix as I am on record stating that the 23rd and 24th were purr days in the stock market would plunge. It did that today, not in numbers I pointed to, but  could mention when I first posted that information the next day the markets plunged over 1000 points, so if the days are added, it is around 200 points the markets tanked. The numbers on the market were correct, but in posting in this volatile situation, it caused a wave rift that disrupted things.

I was not spot on in the inquiry weeks out. I would probably have been closer if I had not posted on this, but the trend in the matrix or the current was for this period and it did occur.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped more than 600 points Wednesday amid a sharp drop in tech shares. The fall has erased all remaining gains made by the market in 2018.

Now we will witness if the January period  is the big collapse or if something happens on this slide as it is being human coordinated, against the current seat sitter at 1600 Penn.

This fascinates me in how the matrix works and I would really like to have the time to examine this and refine it more, but I remember in Esther how the divination in Persia was something they inquired on for months to get a date and what I do is flash read in the Holy Ghost, which seems to prejudice and bias on my personal time line.

Even with my disruption posts this was close. Fascinating.

Oh again, for this kind of spike to occur with me mentioning it, points to volatility in the structure.
