Monday, October 22, 2018

For whom the Trump Trolls

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Donald Trump can not control his own children, is it any wonder  that Donald Trump gets trolled by Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, John Kelly? Is it any wonder that when Donald  Trump can not expect loyalty from his own children, that he can not be expected to deal with anyone from Robert Mueller to Kim Jong Un?

- Lame Cherry

The Lame Cherry is not the one noting the above, but the Daily Caller to the Canada Free Press, who noted that Ivanka was gushing over her Trump hating as in Donald Trump hating brother in law and his wife.

As previously reported, the news comes three months after the couple announced that they were engaged. At the time, Kloss shared the news on Instagram with a picture of the two embracing at sunset. The caption next to the post read, “I love you more than I have words to express. Josh, you’re my best friend and my soulmate. I can’t wait for forever together. Yes, a million times over.”
Soon after news broke, Trump responded to the post with, “So, so happy for you and Josh! I feel blessed to have you as a sister (!!!) Karlie and look forward to the decades of happy memories we will create together as a family.”

For those who need a reminder of the brother in law, Joshua, here are some photos of him at the PussyHat Rally Against Donald  Trump

Yes Joshua Kushner was there screaming epitaphs against his brother's father in law.

Yes Joshua  Kushner was there undermining Donald Trump at the Jew Michael Bloomberg's March for our Lives, and spewing all of his anti American and anti Christian rhetoric, and going after the Second  Amendment with other communists.

It gets much closer to Mr. Trump in Tiffany, was liking not only anti gun posts online, but liking posts of Republicans being MASSACRED.

That said, Joshua isn't the only person close to Donald Trump who supported the March – Tiffany Trump liked an Instagram post from the march that called for increased gun control.

The absolute disrespect that Donald Trump generates from his own family is the worst exclamation point on this father named Donald Trump. Ivanka gushes over two people who in public hate her father. Tiffany goes public for GOP massacres.

Jared Kushner had a main priority and that was peace in the Mideast. Instead Kushner was whoring Ivanka to the Chicoms to try and bail his family out of a disaster real estate deal, as the Kushner Jews were in China selling access to Donald Trump, who they hate and detest.

Then there was Lara Trump trading on Donald's power in going after legal businesses in Florida racing, or initiating a policy to exterminate greyhounds who chase fake rabbits around a track. Lara's great plan was to turn these racing dogs over to crippled Veterans which is a match made in disaster.

From Melania going after the American trapper in banning fur from the White House, an act which impoverishes rural Americans and destroys millions of innocent animals as predators EAT LIVING THINGS,  it is an endless parade of disloyalty to either Donald  Trump or the God and  supporters who put Donald Trump into the White House.

Maybe Donald Trump would have a less hectic life if he was more of a man in not allowing those who are close to him not betray his trust.

Even Don jr. was not adult enough to keep it in his pants in his marriage together, as he is the rally boy at Republican events, with his old tramp girlfriend.

There is not one child or relative of Donald Trump who has proven trustworthy for him or Americans. That is extremely troubling in every one of them has proven they do not give a damn about Donald Trump or anyone in the Trump family, if you can call it a family which eats each other.

I am a bit different than Donald Trump. When my brother was here, he inadvertently blurted out that his children were scared of me. There is a fact in me, that I do not put up with shit. I never got away with that when I was a child in things were expected of me and if I wanted the acceptance of my beloved Uncle who hated me with prejudice, I worked my ass off to gain that favor as I earned it.

Donald Trump is too free with his associations and his tolerances. If my child was liking GOP massacres she would be disowned and be visiting with the FBI. She would be learning to make a living on the street as my kind allowances apparently taught her nothing. If my son in law and daughter were so attached to those who hated me, they could join the fringe as I would cut the ties which bind.

The problem with Donald Trump in not following through on MAGA in getting rid of Obamacare, stopping aborticide, keeping energy prices cheap, stopping the Visa Vermin invasion and lowering our taxes, is in the problem of the absolute disrespect of him by his children and their ilk associations.

It is the fear of the Lord which makes humans respect Him, not God loving them. Donald Trump really needs to instill fear in the scions sucking the sap out of his tree, as the people who voted for Donald Trump place a great deal of weight on these things in weighing a person if he should be voted for again, and people named Putin, Kim and Kurz, measure a man by this lack of control, and those are the realities which keep people in the Oval Office or keep a nuclear war from happening.

Nuff Said
