I saw one of you at the zoo and I fed bananas to it........
I am just beyond comprehending how it is a woman from the NSA gets into a pissing contest with the First Lady of the United States on a trip to Africa, and never contemplates there are not going to be consequences.
Mira Ricardel, apparently thought she was in charge on an African Safari and Melania Trump was the hired help, as Ricardel took it upon herself in deciding where people should sit, how much Melania could spend and then stared planting negative stories about how inept Melania Trump is in the press.

Ricardel and Melania Trump reportedly clashed during the first lady's October trip to the African continent over seating assignments on the plane and National Security Council resource requests. The first lady's office also suspected Ricardel to be the source behind some negative stories about the first lady and her staff.
I looked up Ricardel and this attractive woman is Croatian. Yes central European to Melania Trump's central European, in Ricardel actually earned the position and Melania did the photo op.
Born Mira P. Radielovic, she is of Croatian descent. Her father, Peter Radielovic, came from Breza, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and survived the Bleiburg Massacre before leaving Yugoslavia in 1954 and arriving in the United States in 1956.
Mira grew up in Pasadena, California, and at home spoke the Croatian language. Her family followed the Croatian Catholic Church and worshipped in Arcadia, California
This was two Vatican girls who decided to go at it. I would say that Croats hate Slovenians, and Slovenians think Croats are the sheep of the pen. I would also say that there is something more than this going on, as someone apparently told Ricardel to shepherd the First Mam, and from that the First Mam was looking to shed some political blood, and the President was more than willing to make an example of this Croat.
"It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that she no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House,” Trump’s communications director Stephanie Grisham said Tuesday in a statement.
What I don't understand from the White House's point of view..........ok I will put it this way in that bastard John Kelly gets off in keel hauling people out of the White House in humiliating them by taking them out under armed guard.
You should get the soap opera in this, in John Kelly has been trying to get rid of John Bolton who Ricardel works for, from the start, and that is what is behind this in Kelly put this into play and the First Mam decided to go along, as someone whispered in her ear that Ricardel was pissing on Melania Trump's territory.
Ricardel served under national security adviser John Bolton. The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday afternoon she had already been terminated and escorted from the White House, before issuing a correction.
And who at the anti Trump Wall Street Journal was having stories leaked to it.......but by John Kelly.
Politically, Ricardel has characterized herself as a "Reagan Republican".[8] Her public service began in 1986, working as a congressional affairs specialist and later as a deputy director for congressional affairs in the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency at the U.S. Department of State. She served at the State Department until 1989So someone wanted this Reagan Republican gone who served the best in the tough Donald Rumsfeld, Bob Dole and Ronald Reagan.
The Lame Cherry will solve this all for you in this statement:
"She’s a very tough woman, very smart, does not suffer fools well. And if you happen to be the fool, she will let you know".
The fool Mira Ricardel did not suffer was John Kelly. She was sent in to shepherd the neophyte Melania Trump, who had Kelly whispering in her ear the worst spin on everything, and it was Kelly who was leaking this garbage about Melania to set off her uncertain ego. The net result is exactly as what was plotted. I would not be a bit surprised in Jarvanka and Mike Pence had a hand in this, as John Bolton is the person they all want trimmed down.
That is the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. It is absolutely doubtful that Ricardel set out to challenge the First Mam, but was following orders to not let her make a fool of herself, and for that the greater coup was unleashed to get a John Bolton.
The NSA is far more weakened without Mira Ricardel, and now Melania Trump should begin to contemplate just who it was who played her, and now has her portrayed as the Hatchet Woman ruling the White House.
As Melania Trump can not handle a strong woman, she should just keep men around who like looking at her tits, as that is what works for Ivanka.
Treating people who work for you badly, does not entice good people to work for you.
- Lame Cherry
Nuff Said