Thursday, November 15, 2018


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The exclusive quotes of Michelle Obama's, Bemoaning, which she is to launch in her husband's land of citizenship of the British Isles.


*As the First Mister of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, I never wanted to bother with First Lady things, so instead of being like Hillary Clinton in trading for power, I traded my position to post propaganda stories about how beautiful I was.

* Barack always preferred boys. I was always second choice when any male was around.

* I first discovered I was more than a woman when my genitals took on a male form. Perhaps it was eating a great deal of soy foods, or perhaps it was my natural testosterone, but whatever it was, I knew I was the man of the family and my bi sexual Barry was always going to be my wife.

* Being a mother is an experience I have never fully embraced, as my children were adopted from a white surrogate woman. With my over developed maleness, a womb was something I never experienced.

*My worst nightmare was Donald Trump fixating on Jerome Corsi's revelation that Barack was not American. We were assured that all of the documents and past had been covered up, but my foreign born husband had to rely on the deep state to install him as president.

*I used to pretend I was White in my secret fantasy.


*My life changed again in June 23, 2013 when Barack left the building. It was all handled by my lesbian lover, Val-erie, who placed him into cold storage in the White House bunker, and we later moved him to a freezer in Hawaii where he was later placed into the waves he loved.
