In a small world, people's lives are touched by not 7 degrees of separation, but in most cases no degrees of separation.
I type this listening to my neighbor or his truck on the road, as he is knocking his corn out. I got up yesterday from a nap and just had a 25 cent polartech jacket on with my bare legs, as it has not been above freezing here in a week, to listen to the sounds of cows, horns blowing and knowing something was up in his cattle were out. Like Little Boy Blue, the cows were in the corn. Never occurred to me in my brain fog, that he only had half of his field out, and the cows I saw that morning were not supposed to be in that field.
In my world, TL and I both said the same thing in being glad it was his and not our few animals.
The place of Pella Iowa appeared in my world and I know Pella, because I used to run a 605 A Vermeer Baler from Pella Iowa as a child as my dad had one. Those machines you had to have a brain to run them, and not like the automatic ones now which reveal how asstard farmers are now in they do not make pretty bales of Euclidean beauty. I would get my ass chewed if things were not "square with the world" by the old man. I did make pretty round bale though and made lots of them.
For our place last year I almost purchased an old 605, but then the roof started leaking and as God has not deemed a place is at this time, I was at least saved from that purchase. Like the mother was saved from her purpose in telling us to move out in September, and when I brought that up in informing her she would be dead now if we had embarked on her stupid idea, she certainly does not like having facts rubbed in her face, ,as she is getting testy and short. It is part of the therapy in "You are a dumbass. You did things your dumbass way. It got you into dumbass hurt and if not for us, you would be in hell answering for being a dumbass."
It is odd in being a celebrity on this blog in I still crave work from riding horses after cattle to baling hay and running a tractor. I hated being stuck doing all of that in the responsibility and slave labor, but it is something I do enjoy when it is not a constant grind. It is what I still hope for as it seems time runs out before Jesus returns to just piss around like I used to.
Tonight as I was checking things Libby came up with Darby. They wanted some water as cold dehydrates like heat, and as Belle and Daisy were watering, I was petting the big girl. She was a rescue quarterhorse, a bulldog roper, and Lord that ass on her is huge in the muscles. I try and stay away from it as getting kicked would probably end my life, but she was letting me rub her butt tonight and was good as gold, as Libby can be sometimes. She has attitude in her, and that comes from Go man Go, a race horse in her background. The neighbor has a roping horse with that bloodline and that damn horse damned near killed his 75 year old dad awhile back when it started bucking as he was chasing cattle.
Libby has a lot of piss and vinegar in her too. Just would like a better life for her and all the good people in this world.
It is odd in most of the good people I have contact with in I know something about their world in my final jeopardy knowledge.
I just wanted to say thank you to those who have been listening and helping. I never met for the hot coals to ever have a response from you, as most have enough going on. I just get fed up with the rich who I know use me, and think this pony ride is not for just for free, but that other people are paying their way for the information here.
I have to go check on some noise I hear as I don't know what the hell that is now.
God bless in Jesus Name Amen and Amen