As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have a fantasy in Roger Stone is a friend of mine, and he invites me over where I drink good cognac and he tells me stories about the Nixon years as I love listening to stories about heroes.
One of the reasons I work with God, which means I fly alone is company always brings trouble. As Jerome Corsi is someone who plays the fringe, out of necessity in his cut and paste books, he has contacts with numbers of people who know things.
I will preface this in I have stood up for Jerome Corsi when Obama tried to assassinate him in Kenya in having him roughed up there. That was in the birther era and it seems that the trouble Corsi is in now all harkens back to that era of fraud Obama which pissed off Michelle Obama to this day in she was shrewing on Donald Trump about it yet.
In working a story though Corsi makes contacts, and in his current problems, there is a segment of the US intelligence who is furious over the insider leaks to Wikileaks. Clinton Obama are still sore over this intelligence coup and Robert Mueller is of that group who still wants to draw blood on anything associated with these Neolibs, as none of you ever considered that all of these leakers were not neocons, but neolibs who were upset over the regime in power from Bush to Obama.
These were liberals ratting on liberals.
Corsi's contact was the flamboyant Roger Stone, who we all would love to have as a cognac drinking buddy. It would be easy being a friend to Roger Stone in you would just drink, eat expensive nuts and he would do all the talking.
Robert Mueller is phishing for anything in this to put the screws to who in the hell in the real deep state was running this operation against the deep state. The best he could nail are Roger Stone who knows nothing and Jerome Corsi who is just fodder over Birtherism as Corsi pissed off all the plans of mice and men from John Kerry to Obama.
A journalist who has testified twice before the Mueller grand jury said Monday that he expects to be charged in the coming days in the special counsel’s investigation.
“I fully anticipate that in the next few days I will be indicted by Mueller for some form or another for giving false information the special counsel or the grand jury,” Jerome Corsi, a former reporter with Infowars, announced on his daily web show.
“But I’m going to be criminally charged.”
From an outsider view of someone like me, in the Birther era, I watched when Corsi was at World Net Daily in how he took to Facebook and assembled a posse of promoting an information platform. He did this very well, but when I mentioned on this blog that Obama was fixing to drag Farah and Corsi into their streets at 3 AM in their underwear as an example, both of them left the building and WND has been imploding since the remarkable investigative journalist Aaron Klein moved on.
I watched Corsi operate in this and he was effective, but when his operation was over, he was gone. He tried by messages to enlist me on his agenda by suggesting things to write as I was covering Mockingbird propaganda and Corsi "thought I would be writing about Edward Lansdale" as that is where he wanted this blog pointed. I wrote my own stories by God's Inspiration, and when I had a stalker threatening to expose me (This individual got me mixed up with another person and started making cryptic remarks about this person's children in threats) I messaged Corsi that I did not know how long I was going to be able to continue on in this, as I was looking for some relief or misery in company, and all Corsi wrote was basically "too bad", and that was it for contact, after he had provided his phone number for me to call him before when he deemed I had some value.
So now you know part of how this exploitative game is conducted. You will see patterns in this in how Donald Trump used Alex Jones and then dumped him. You will notice who Donald Trump rewarded with press passes in Gayway, Corsi and Cernovich.
This is why I do not let people get close to me and I rely on what God Inspires me to write as this Wikileaks stuff really was a bee up the arse of the lords and the priests. One simply does not ever disrupt their world as you do it often enough like Corsi, they will come for you.
What this all looks like is what it is, in with all the surveillance, the group which stung the Mueller group remains unknown. This is beyond John Kelly DIA military stuff. This is about insider liberals who have "betrayed" other insider liberals and they are after them, and making an example of Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and the Trump fringe.
You remember that Jonathan Pollard stuff how that was a bug in the butt of the Bush family. Some people you just do not kick sand in their face. Corsi never did anything, no more than Scooter Libby did anything worth the kind of roughing up he got, but in this you rough up what you can to send a message to those you can not get at.
It seems that Donald Trump is not taking Corsi's messages in promising a pardon, so Corsi is taking to his media to try and rally support, but what is the point as the President is not interested in any of the people who voted for him in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. In war leadership will give their opponent something to worry and vent on, in order to keep them off the command and control.
I remember when Larry Sinclair was being baited by all the media for them to glean information or the deep state in what Sinclair really knew. Those were names you trusted and have now vanished at FOX.
I have always posted in there are rules in this in you can talk about things which are being published, but you do not become Sharyl Attkisson unless you have DIA cover.
If I had Jerome Corsi's money, I would be building a fishing pond. Sometimes you just have to take the honey you got out of the hive and be contented when you are rich, and stop walking by and kicking that hive.
Liberals do not allow betrayal from within.
Damning NSA information leaked to liberals from liberals.
Edward Snowden does a red herring to Russia.
Putin's money laundering to the west.
Paul Manafort moving money from Ukraine to the west.
Obsession of Trump connections to Russia to frame him.
You should see the pattern in this, as someone ran a coup against thee American deep state which began years ago, and that is what Robert Mueller is ferreting out, and everyone on the inside knows it, but no one is talking about any of it.
I just want to go fishing in my pond after I build it.
Nuff Said