Sorry Martha, I have the tits to overthrow elections..
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
See I told you that large titty lesbians trump small titty dykes in Arizona elections.
BREAKING: Republican Martha McSally Concedes Arizona Senate Race to Democrat Bisexual Commie Kyrsten ‘Stay-at-Home Moms are Leeches’ Sinema
OK so the Lame Cherry was right again, but am just telling you that this lezbo is not going to be any different than that fag Flake or prick McCain, as this seat was supposed to be flipped, as that is why Donald Trump picked McSally over the Tea Party gal, and ringer in Arpiao to install McSally as the GOP nominee. Yes there appears to be a pardon price.
Here is your question.
What does Arizona have? Goddamn reams of Mexicans and goddaman Indians, who stuff ballot boxes with votes to steal elections. Kristi Noem knows this in South Dakota and put in a margin that the Trumpers could not install a liberal, so if Kristi Noem knows this, how was McSally ignorant of this fact.
Ask yourself just how is it, that Florida having the same vote fraud is being fought over, while all these other GOP elections stolen are just offered up? It is because Florida is a diversion. So the elections turned out exactly a I told you they would months ago.
Can't have Scott Walker challenging Trump with Mike Pence all lined up for the 2020 nomination now can you?
I digress.
It should be evident now of the fraud of this. Donald Trump wanted Roy Moore gone and that is what took place. Everyone wins who is supposed to be installed.
Donald Trump could put an end to this insurrection as Abraham Lincoln did on even more authority, but he does not, so that means this is all theater.
Now you know to always bet on large comforting breasts over flat chests in elections.

See you like this on Freudian levels.
See you are repulsed by this as you think you are going to starve to death.

I keep telling you to not trust in elections any more. Trust in Jesus and you rich people with hot coals had better understand the same politics is the same stock markets and you better not be trusting in your portfolios.
I have compassion with the people of Arizona, as they vote for more than tits, but people who steal elections run tits to stuff ballot boxes after elections are over.