As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is an interesting thing in God's instruction to Adam after sin, was that he would work and eat his food by the sweat of his brow. Men are simple creatures who fail at even simple instructions. Food they can figure out in sweating, but when it comes to loving God, loving their wives and caring for others, that is a reality that has little interest in men.
As this is about wives, this is not about men, but a comparison that God for women dedicates the entire Song of Solomon to a betrothed Church and Proverbs 31 extols the best virtues of a good wife.
In relationships the person who is the dominant one, the one with authority is actually the one submits to the submissive, so while men are in the leadership role, the women in the supportive role are the ones who really are the hands which rocks the cradle. For those who are smiling smugly at that, they are already trapped in their own demise, because if you are a wife who takes pleasure in your being able to outmaneuver your husband, you do not have a marriage. You have instead a match of distrust.
In Proverbs 31, the good wife is a woman who is trusted and takes the initiative for her household, and the welfare of her husband and her family. That is a profound position to be in, and is often overlooked in Christ is the dual persona role in a marriage. He is the feminine role when in relationship to the Father, but in relation to the Church, He is the masculine. Men as husbands in the Church are in that same feminine role with Christ being the head, as Christ serves all of us.
In Martin Luther's teaching of the good wife, he mentions submission to their own husbands, and names Sarah, but in Sarah, she had her own tent and was a person in her own right. A woman lost in her husband's identity is not helping her husband in the least and a man who insists on that kind of dominance is not interested in a wife to compliment his strengths with her strengths, but a husband who exists in fear of his own weaknesses.
Likewise a woman who allows herself to be lost in her husband in losing her identity, is not fulfilling why God placed her on this earth to become a Light to Glorify Him.
To Wives
Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. Eph. 5:22
They were submissive to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear. 1 Peter 3:5–6
In Ephesians 5:23, there is one of the biggest surprises for most people in marriage, as women are the ones who love and nurture, but God never orders a woman to love her husband. Husbands are ordered to love their wives, but wives are ordered to accomplish the one thing that is not in their nature and that is respecting the man they are married to. It is their perfect struggle to overcome in Christ as Eve was of eating fruit and then brought it to her husband as a better dining and wives take great pleasure in mocking their husbands, as much as husbands fail miserably in giving reasons by their sloven nature which only a few overcome.
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Respect is a wife's duty to her husband and that respect is working a nurturing way to assist their husband instead of mocking him into eating the wrong piece of fruit.