Friday, November 16, 2018

Trump Sphere Does Read the Lame Cherry

Why yes Mr. President, I do like cognac on my 500 year old French brandy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well, well, well, you non donor rich, I just may have to double up your bill you owe me as you are once again in the company of the journalist that the President of the United States is briefed on, over the censorship of John Junta Kelly.

Yes, in the The Hill comes the confirmation that Donald Trump is now phobic over Indiana Mafia Don, Mike Pence, in constantly asking questions how loyal Pence is. This is coming from Trump Sphere, not the Pence and Kelly Sphere inside the White House.
Donald Trump, reads the very  things that you are reading here.

President Trump has privately asked aides about his vice president Mike Pence's loyalty, The New York Times reported Friday.
Trump reportedly questioned Pence's allegiance so many times that many of his advisers are alarmed, as those kinds of inquiries tend to indicate that he is irritated with someone.
According to the Times, most people within the White House have been supportive of Pence when asked, but some of Trump's outside advisers have suggested that the vice president may have used up his utility.
Trump has reportedly not made it clear whether he is seriously considering a 2020 ticket change or whether he is simply trying to get advisers' opinions before the campaign begins.

It must fill you non donors will absolute shame in here is the popular girl, the source of information shaping Donald Trump in warning him of coups, and you have not generously donated to the Lame Cherry. Yes when I am sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom with TL, when the Trump's are at Marlargo, as I really do not want to be there when they are there, and eating Trump Steaks for breakfast, brunch, dinner, lunch and supper, you will  be sitting there with your portfolios, having not been tapped in donations, that the people who did donate will be getting selfies of us lounging with Abe's ghost in the background, eating steak, and you will be sitting there thinking, "Gee if only I had donated to La'me, she would be saying what great  friends we are to Don and Mel, and we might be getting an invite to sleep in the Queen's bedroom.......but now all we are doing is being on the outside looking in."

The Lame Cherry commends the President in astutely noting the intrigue of Mike Pence, and the necessity to keep on his guard of all the coup plots against him in the White House.

I thinkwhen we stay in the White House, I am going to get weekend  use of Marine One as I want to fly out to the Smithsonian and touch things you peasants will never get to touch, because as the President's confirmed favorite Blogging source against coup plotter intrigue, I will of course be sitting in Lindbergh's plane, trying on that space suit that was on the moon, and of course shooting off that air rifle that Lewis and Clarke took along on the Louisiana Purchase.

Yes life is good being on the Lame Cherry inside of Trump Sphere. I bet you rich people are really looking at that donate button and thinking how you can have a popular girl as a friend now too, just like Don and Mel, as of course their most intimate friends call them.

Nuff Said
