Sunday, December 23, 2018

A Christmas Present

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

On Christmas Day 1944 AD in the year of our Lord, Commander Heinz Schaeffer was appointed command of a new U Boat in 977. As Schaeffer noted, it was soon pronounced seaworthy, but that was by people who would not be put to sea in combat in her, as she needed a complete overhaul of her systems.

This later proved out time and again, as while at sea, they had to rebuild both engine shafts on  the diesel engines, (electrical appliances have motors, anything that combusts things or runs on steam is an engine) of both 8 cylinder power plants.

Before they shipped out, Schaeffer wanted to visit his mother in Berlin. Admiral Donitz had assured him that they Kreigsmarine would fight on and never surrender attaining full victory.

The SS and German public had been told there were new secret weapons which would turn the tide of war, and they would have, but the problem is Germany was running out of continent to fall back into with Soviet and American advances.
There were inventions in new submarines, new jets, and new torpedoes, but there was not the industry to match it. Along with the fact that the Reich had switched to half peacetime production while the war was on to satisfy German needs was a huge problem.

Schaeffer on the train met and SS officer who invited him around to headquarters to show him the new weapons. Schaeffer went, waited and finally saw the officer who would show him a death ray the next day. Schaeffer had seen enough of secret weapons, and went to visit his mother who would not leave her home and stated she would manage the Russians. She did, but the details were never published.

When 977 put to sea, an interesting decision took place in Schaeffer put in to Denmark for ship stores. They only loaded 2/3rds their fuel needs as that was all that was available, but they did pile in food and other supplies to almost making the submersible not able to rise to the surface.
That was interesting foresight, as 977 would be taken across the ocean to Argentina to surrender by this crew.

Rumors were spread as a cover by the media that Adolf Hitler, Eva Hitler and Martin Borrman were on board. That is ridiculous in submersibles almost killed their crews with mould and diesel smoke in the interior. They were cold, clammy death traps that spread boils and rashes. On the trip to Argentina, the crew basically turned yellow from lack of sun in being submerged for 66 days running to get past Gibraltar.
By the reports that Adolf Hitler did reach South America, he did so by German long distance transport, not by anything at sea, even is sea vessels appeared in South America for almost 2 years, and no, these vessels were not at the fabled German base in Antarctica. Not every port in the world was thrilled the colonial powers of England, France and America had won and returned to enslave them with the Soviet Union in tow. People liked the Germans as they always treated them fairly.

That was the Christmas present though of Heinz Schaeffer in one of the most right time in the right place moment in history. Three times he almost was killed in a boat, and he was fortunate after the war in being able to evade allied bombers and patrols.

It was a far cry from the world he grew up in, in his parents wanted him to be in the forestry, but he loves sailing, so chose the Navy, without a thought of there ever being war. He learned his career in combat and in that think of what you would face if your nation was being destroyed and occupied.  With the great allied plan of dismantling all industry and turning your nation into a goat pasture, as your mother was left to raping Russian hordes.
The only thing 977 taught the crew was in all their misery, they still had liberty,  because the Germans were all behind wire fences and trading sex for a piece of bread in the more civilized occupation, and were just raped and murdered in the vast unfortunate quarters.

These  were real people who the lessening majority of Americans have a common tradition and bloodline to. The only thing the Germans did was become successful competitors to England and France, who through intrigue promised Americans in both wars money if the Americans fought the war, then the Americans could rule the world until the 21st century, having been plundered themselves.

Americans will probably never awake to the historical realty that they are now placed in the role of Germany in order to replace the American Order. America will be swept away, her race genocided and in the end, be a partitioned race of mongrels as Germany was degraded to. World Wars are begun by conglomerate financiers promising riches and power, but expending their puppets in time, as their is not any loyalty to family,  just the order which they have sold their souls to.

I wonder if those reading this if their Christmas has arrived to set their destiny or it will be this Christmas.

It happened in 1944 AD in the year of the Lord. What year will it happen for a survivor as 40,000 German seaman perished in that war for their Christmas gift.

Nuff Said
