Saturday, December 22, 2018


I saw JMV today at the store. Burt was not with him, but JMV
did beat someone with his metal leg for looking like Burt.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry sees and knows all things.

Here is my prediction.

Rich people have these things laying around in their secret spots.

People who are rich, like lying to themselves that they are not that rich, and yet, the proof is they all have these things in brown envelopes and white bank envelopes that they thoughtfully and solemnly brought home, placed into their lock boxes in case of an emergency, and then in alone moments seriously ponder that envelop in all that it means, as they imagine things blankly of what great danger which would befall them and they are not prepared to withstand as.....

The dollar is my protector
I shall not want
It maketh me to lie down in ..........

Let's sing instead as Lame Cherry knows all.
