Friday, December 7, 2018

Coming For America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am fascinated how after a year, the media is catching up to seeing what this blog exclusively warned of the reality, not threat, that Europe is moving to replace the United States as America replaced England after World War II.
It is noted that Bloomberg of international ashkenazari has been covering this from their sources in Europe and that the fine ZeroHedge has featuring this reality more and more.

Dow Plunges Nearly 800 Points (3.1 Percent) on Fears of Economic Slowdown

This is not the last time you are going to see stock market numbers like these. There is a time soon coming when you will think a thousand point drop is nothing.

In posting the following evidences, as readers used to doubt me and demand links, and once the links appeared they all went silent as they could not use a search engine, the first is the Prophecy of George Washington, and one can begin to see that the world is arrayed against the United States and America is being set up.

At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene. From each of these continents arose thick black clouds that were soon joined into one. And throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men. These men, moving with the cloud marched by land and sailed by sea to America, which country was enveloped in the volume of the cloud. And I dimly saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities, which I had seen spring up.

-Vision of President George Washington

Logic points to the most historical and opportune way, the Four Horseman Way, and that is it would behoove the merchants of Shylock Lucre to cause a greater than 1929 economic implosion in the United States. It is not logical to conclude that it would be a decade before a Pearl Harbor is initiated, but in this compressed time line, a logical scenario would be geared more toward a 1970's seizure of private assets in America and a 2008 as in 1929 concentration of wealth. The 1% selling out the 99% to gain a economic dictatorship.
Logic would point to a way to erase the swindlers records as on 9 11. That will not be addressed here, but it would be logical to conclude that an event or events large enough to make America recoil as she was uncoiling financially from a market bust would be a dual event.

Remember when Bill Clinton's Allen Greenspan stuck Europeans with the bill for the Dotcom bust. It took Europe ten years for the Obama 2008 bust to retake those trillions in losses, in that 9 11 economic attack, which began in French finance, after the Iceland Experiment.

Remember that because Donald  Trump has been threatening Europe over Iranian oil, the Europeans are moving hard as in 2008 to retaliate on the United States. In this case, Europe is moving to unseat and replace the United States.

EU Disharmony

CNBC says Trump’s Iran sanctions will aggravate the French-German discord on EU reforms.
5,000 German Corporations Hit By Trump Policy
One can rationalize this all away, but a translation from Spiegel Online underscores the key idea: Trump's Policies Hit Nearly 5,000 German Companies.

Sanctions on Europe. Not Iran

Eurointelligence fills in some blanks.
Over the last three days it gradually dawned on the Germans that Donald Trump's sanctions against Iran are in reality sanctions against Europe, and Germany in particular.

OPEC is centered in Vienna Austria, the Austria of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who Donald  Trump spurned. The Chancellor is not one to trifle with and has spurred as series of most cataclysmic realities for the United States.
Donald Trump is faced with a May who ran an MI6 operation on  Trump called Pissgate. Donald Trump is face with a Macron who is busy trying to rob the United States in Paris Accords. Donald Trump is faced with a Merkel whose Germany is the financial sledge about to be deployed to rid Europe of American currency and military position.

Merkel: Europe Can No Longer Rely on U.S. Protection

 This has been a coming process of almost a year. It has been definitive and constant in forward establishment and projections. The United States is the target in this. Birther Hussein provided the trillions in reserves to fund this European Super State in money dumps to the Continent, and now it is all assembling the world against the United States as Mr. Trump's chamber of commerce, is pouring in these low DNA Jesuit Latins to replace Americans in a coming rape war to keep the Americans busy.


Russia, China Sign Deal to Bypass Us Dollar - Al Jazeera English

For its part, "China sees the dominance of the dollar in international trade transactions as a remnant of American global dominance, which they hope to overthrow in the years ahead," said Michael Klare, a professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College.

This is not starting, it is past beginning. It is in the stages of the necessity of bringing down the United State economically as before the Civil War, before World War II and now before the Great Eurasian War, where all the nations are assembled economically against the United States, as Donald Trump crippled US farmers for his machine industry cronies, increasing the rot inside the United States.
The US Christmas shopping results are a disaster in the making. No one appeared on Black Friday and what will follow in the disaster of no holiday sales BECAUSE MR. PRESIDENT DRAINED ALL THE MONEY FROM AMERICANS BY KEEPING OBAMA'S RECORD INCOME TAXES IN PLACE, OBAMA'S OBAMACARE IN PLACE AND ALLOWING OIL CRONIES TO RAISE FUEL PRICES, as HAARP hammered America into the grave, is a certain European implosion of the US stock markets.

This is all by design, and I would hope that President Donald Trump would begin initiating some measures for the protection of Americans, as the Shylocks are coming for America, and it will only be a matter of time before it is war.

You rich people are running out of time to make that generous donation here in penance as no one has taken care of you like the orphan girl of the brier patch.

Nuff Said
