Friday, December 7, 2018

George HW Bush's legacy was Dan Quayle

 Would everyone who dislikes George HW Bush
please stay seated......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter matter.

Now that the wet nethers  of Joy Behar and Megs McCain have dried off from Twatfest 2018 in the cage match of Megs McCain trying to sound Bush civil after her old man put her up to making Trump Derangement Syndrome look sane, compared to John McCain is a Psycho, the Lame Cherry is moved by the above photo set the legacy of George HW Bush into the proper perspective.

Did any of you really look at that photo as it should be? Do you realize that none of those people seated there would be there if HW Bush had not moved to destroy Vice President Dan Quayle so Jeb could be appointed president one day?
Every single one of those people are in those pews, because George HW Bush was a failure and a bushwhacker.

In a real world, George HW Bush would not have ruined the presidency which Ronald  Reagan gave him, by telling Conservative Christians to shut up and go home. There would  not be any Bill and Hillary Clinton. Dick Cheney would not have been Vice President. Mike Pence would be doing whatever failed Indiana governors do, and Birther Hussein Obama would never have stolen the presidency with Bush43's help, and there never would have been any backing of Donald Trump.

Even old Jimmy Carter, a man who wistfully longs for the grandeur of his own funeral to undo his horrid legacy, would not be in that pew, because Carter would have  faded into oblivion due to the spectacular rise of President Dan Quayle.

I stand here today, because daddy ruined Dan Quayle


Dan Quayle was proven right time and again on foreign policy. The fact is that Dan Quayle would have as President undone the disaster of George HW Bush in raising taxes, using cheap money to ruin the US economy in debt, and what would have followed would have been a succession of Conservative Republicans and even democrats, who would have  had  to have governed from the right in order to be elected.
Thee entire destruction of Blue Dog Democrats for the Community Organized Obama Marxist would not have taken place if Bush fam had not weaseled their way into power, by ruining all the Conservatives.

Just think of a nation at peace with Russia. A nation not threatened by China as China never would have sprung from Bush policy and Clinton bribery to become a  threat. Think of America for the past 30 years without inflation, gas prices would be 1 dollar a gallon today due to American production, and places like Benghazi, Crimea and border invasion would  not have ever appeared due to President Dan Quayle, and the Christian Conservatives he would have risen to power.

Think of a Supreme Court will men and women like Clarence Thomas, appointed by Dan Quayle.

If you really look at the above photo, you can see all of that in Dan Quayle's expression as he knows, he knows the  reality of it all.

Fittingly the happiest and saddest faces in those pews are image Obama who does not have to be second seat in George W. Bush in the pulpit giving a eulogy and not giving it to Michelle, who is the saddest face in those pews, in not having her Dubya with her.

Well sad until Michelle spotted another Negroid in the crowd
to do chimp signs with.

I used to relish events like this for history, but with mom dying, I was off trying to sort the world out for us today again. I look at that bunch of politicians in the pews, and I do think, "How long will it be, before these ex presidents and ex veeps are tits up, saving America a fortune as living politicians are not cheap.

Hell the sickest looking one is Bush43, as Dick Cheney looks youthful now with his new  heart.

 Hey Jeb, loser walk  behind Presidents, but ahead
of money swindler brothers.

One must take a moment though in the reality that HW Bush did banish Jeb from everything. No one wanted that loser to be seen or heard. W did the eulogy and Jeb just tried to expand o blog his way into taking up more of the photo lens.
It must be tough on Jeb that even his CIA daddy could not steal an election from the DIA and his stupid brother George, actually was the one who made it to be President.

America and the world would have been a better place if the photo above had pews empty of those seated in them, and instead had former presidents like George Allen, Paul Laxalt and Fred Thompson, instead of that which showed up, after the Bush dragged them in.

Nuff Said
