As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is an interesting smear operation being engaged against Dr. Jerome Corsi which has Obamites in George Noury at Coast to Coast AM (Obama awarded Noury with a medal) and the Politico Hill faction which is branding Corsi a "conspiracy theorist" which is right of the CIA Mockingbird project to cover up the JFK assassination.
That underwork is overlaid with a most fascinating Daily Caller, (Mitt Romney faction) of #NeverTrumpers who in the form of a Chuck Ross, has been going after Corsi on an obscure issue of Corsi in summer 2018 had raised like 25,000 dollars for some kid who had cancer, and was cured by some Jew doctor in Florida, in the same way Corsi's sister in law was cured of cancer.
The DC blitz is the Jew doctor does not exist and the Jew state has never heard of him.
You may ask at this point, what does this have to do with Russiagate and Donald Trump, and would be correct in this question as it has nothing. The thing is that Dr. Corsi's lawyer, Larry Klayman phoned Chuck Ross and asked him who his source was, and Ross laughed at him on Twitter, as all of this makes Jerome Corsi and Larry Klayman look like kooks.
That was until the Holy Ghost pointed out something to me after I had shut things down here for the night, and that was, why would Corsi be accusing Robert Mueller of leaking to Chuck Ross over this? The answer is by God's Grace in Jerome Corsi knew what the questioning was in the Grand Jury which were directed at him. On Coast to Coast, he noted that Mueller's people were on a theme that Corsi could not have figured out that Wikileaks was going to post about John Podesta, and Corsi indicated that obscure questions were appearing in the hours of questioning he freely submitted to.
It deduces that Robert Mueller's investigators had seized on the cancer funding and were indicating that they were going to indict Corsi on this to make him squirm.
The gist of the cancer story which Ross focused on was the cancer boy, was employed by what looked like this Jew doctor's foundation as it was some kind of shady thing. Put it this way if Eric Trump raises money for sick kids, and his kid gets sick, it is not criminal for his kid or Trump to solicit money from people or to be treated by the medicals who he raised money for or would be employed. People who work for foundations get cancer too, and it is not criminal to get treatment where you work.
For Corsi's part, he says he met the kid, thought he was a cancer survivor and he will not talk about his personal family issues. Again, that is all legal, because if you raise money unknowingly, even for a fraud, that does not make you a criminal.
What it appears though is that the Mueller people could not let this go and they spoke to someone with links to the Daily Caller. DC is a Bush Romney extension of the deep state, and Jerome Corsi has made numbers of powerful people furious from Obama, to John Kerry, to the Clintons to the Bush's, to Robert Mueller. All of the above are intertangled in this in cooperating and it is fully functional that someone at Mueller's team, leaked to a Romney Bush disgruntled outlet and Chuck Ross was put on this story to give it play.
Editors and publishers hand out assignments all the time for pet projects and Ross may not even be aware the connections to Mueller, as he is not high up in the food chain, so he is laughing at Larry Klayman, but all the same, Larry Klayman states he is going to make Chuck Ross a witness in the Corsi case, and Chuck Ross will have to reveal how he got onto this cancer story, and the fact is Ross just does not have free posting at Daily Caller in an editor has to check and sign off on everything, so the editor is the next person up on the food chain,and that is the next step for Larry Klayman to discover who set this in motion at DC, and the next step would be who in the Mueller team was leaking.
Statement on Behalf of Dr. Jerome Corsi Concerning Recent ...
The article by Chuck Ross in The Daily Caller is a clear and provable criminal grand jury leak of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his conflicted and "rabid" leftist, pro-Democrat, pro-Clinton and anti-Trump prosecutorial staff.
Larry Klayman is very adept at finding things, and even more adept at winning court cases before juries. What this appears like is what it is, Jerome Corsi pissed on someone and someone saw an opening to smear him as the deep state had signed off on it. The problem is the smear was not talented and it overreached, and the moment that Jerome Corsi and Larry Klayman heard the words "cancer kid", they knew the source was Mueller's team as they had been grilling Corsi on this behind closed doors, and as coincidences are not part of this paid media establishment, Chuck Ross is the weak link that his employers sent out to be exposed.
I feel bad for Chuck Ross as he is a redhead, pale skin, carrying some extra weight from the keyboard job, and by his genetics is a candidate for everything from cancer, diabetes to heart trouble, the very things that the Corsi Cancer Cure would be something he needs eventually. It is not much of a life to never be out in the sun and then shrugging off the reality of you had to stomp someone to earn a paycheck.
Mr. Ross has a really hard job, like all of these skirts and creases who dreamed of being journalists and soon discover they are ordered every day to project a propaganda point. They are not paid to write their views, but instead are ordered to go after people they would not go after, as it is a reality that they all have to pay the bills, and if they do not write as ordered, they will never get their chance to be Ben Shapiro taking big Christian bucks or Tucker Carlson on FOX outshining Sean Homo Hannity.
So I have a great deal of sympathy for these reporters as they are not free to be journalists. I write what God moves me as no editor would allow my gibberish, and as you can see my dire need for some rich people in this Christmas season to donate generously, that Mockingbird is not about to employ me for six figure salaries.
As legal counsel told Jerome Corsi, all he had to do was give Robert Mueller some name. Corsi said he had no name to give as he figured out the Wikileaks on his own, but there in lies the problem for this fat old man in Dr. Corsi. This blog posted on what was after Donald Trump in this Nazi Conglomerate Union which is direct funded out of the US Treasury.
Saturday, December 15, 2018
If you want to know what is after Donald Trump
This blog posted in the Edward Snowden era that indications were that a group was running a coup to displace the deep state, and that is exactly what took place. Donald Trump is a DIA extension from Naval Intelligence. It is though as George Noury knows and expressed, there is something bigger out there that Robert Mueller is after.
There has been a scorched earth mania by Mueller's team to find the missing link. As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater, that missing link appears to be someone or some group from the deep state inside who negated the election theft by Hillary Clinton. The 2016 election was decided as were the 2018 midterm frauds, but someone put Donald Trump into power.
That is why the fist target was Mike Flynn, who cooperated with Robert Mueller, and this ever widening and displaced group as Mueller casts for this missing link in trying to discover some wetware which contacted one of these people Mueller is pressuring so Mueller can find who this missing link is, as that is the target of all of this,and they will destroy Donald Trump to get this missing link, as the missing link exposed in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord that the rigged system could be defeated. That places the deep state in absolute jeopardy.
What we know for certain is this appeared offshore in Wikileaks leftist Julian Assange first. Theresa May of MI6 ran the next operation for Bush and Clinton with full John Brennan direction, and it was a set up to point to Russia out of Ukraine. This tracks into the Balkans as the August 2016 exclusive which appeared here indicates in Jared Kushner's trip to the Disney yacht.
The reality is that MI6 is being protected from this coup against the United States by the deep state and Mr. Trump has signed on, but in all of this, you are only seeing the mirage, as Robert Mueller is ignoring all of this as he wants the missing link and this is so huge that people's lives are being wiped out.
I am not about to touch any of this lords and priests stuff, as the fringes of this is what got Seth Rich murdered in DC for not just walking away. This is the biggest espionage hunt in the United States in her history, and now entering three years into this, the Robert Mueller deep state, all the NSA records and the demon machine spying, have not penetrated the cover of who this person or group is.
That is what the entire actions of Robert Mueller and his team reveals. It looks absolutely foolish in ruining fat old men, but they are hunting everything, and now are going to go after Donald Trump in New York on his finances, as it appears that the Mueller team has concluded that there may be only one person who knows who the missing link is,and that may be Donald Trump.
For the record, as some of my friends are Vulcans, this operation has been so far ahead of the deep state, that there was probably only a suggestion in seven degrees of separation to Donald Trump in a conversation he was not even aware of. Once Trump was set in motion, then the like minded were whispered to as they were traveling in that direction, and the Trump group formed, for Donald Trump to do a publicity stunt, and Mr. Trump soon discovered some force was pushing him ahead in victory from inside the system.
Perhaps Mueller will find the missing link in this slight of brain operation in degrees of separation. One thing in this is certain though is Larry Klayman was provided an opening and he will dig on this until he finds his missing links to Robert Mueller. See in the natural evolution of missing links, as on the Soviet Russian front of the 1940's, natural fighters will arise to take on the enemy, and Stalin had nothing to do with it. In this the natural evolution is that the missing link has no connection with Corsi or Klayman, but now has two natural fighters engaged to provide the missing link more cover.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.