Friday, December 21, 2018

European Empire

You are all such kleine jungs.
You keep peeking at me and then claim I am the dangerous one

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Whether it is under the term Union, Super State or Empire, the reality is now the discussion that the old intrigue to eradicate the German their natural leadership of Europe is emerging from the realty that Europe without the Germanic guiding hand is either an American war whore or a Russian energy prostitute.

There is only one people which advances Europe and that is the German race. In technology, industry, finance, genetics and morality, the German Code of life, has produced past the assault of two world wars, the rape of Russian and Asian cock, the degradation of leftist politicians in the currrent Angela Merkel, a survivor race which arises again to question the propaganda of smears that which the German does is a threat, but the genocide other nations promote is judged democracy.

I am the dangerous one? Since World War II, the Americans, French and English have been involved in over 30 wars.
Gott im Himmel, you have wars like erections!

Whether Europe arises to a peaceful empire or a martial empire, the state of the right of self determination is that Europe and Europeans have that right to make peace or make war, as they contend on the international stage as it has been and is the right of every nation.

Americans make war more often than love. Their diplomacy is a smart bomb.

The European Union should become “a peaceful empire” in order to stand up to China and the US, Le Maire argued. And although thanks to their wartime history, some Germans may find his talk of empire unattractive, Le Maire explains that, “I am using this phrase because, in tomorrow’s world, it’s going to be all about power … technological power, economic, financial, monetary, cultural power – all will be decisive. Europe cannot be shy any longer about using its power.”
Le Maire won’t go as far as to say that German politicians have been two-faced about European unity. But he did set a small deadline: “We have talked about it for a long time. Now it’s time for decisions. And there will be decisions made on December 4, at the next meeting of the economy and finance ministers. I cannot imagine anything else.”
“Everybody knows it takes guts to stand in the way of Donald Trump’s administration,” Le Maire said. “The people of Europe have had enough of the babble from Brussels. They want to see action.”

Since 1948 Germans have been involved in no wars.
Since 1948, Jews have started 10 wars.
Donner Vetter!!!

The greatest advancement of humanity appeared in the German princedoms. The evolution of music, literature, science, industry and religion all liberated the world from the dark past. From Aribus freeing Germany from Rome,  Martin Luther freeing the world from the Vatican, Frederick the Great freeing Europe from the nether empires of the Russian, French and Hapsburg, the  German in her empire brought stability by diplomacy and political solution, as the rest of the world ran red with blood.

Wir sind Deutsche. We know what we want and we take it. 
We are not kinder.

Europe is liberating itself, by the German leadership she yearns for. The Germans are restoring the German order of trade, banking, technology, energy and military power, from the monopolies of London, Moscow, Paris and DC.
The true and native son of this, is the Danube German, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria. A Federal Republic offering all of Europe a future past the 21st century, for a thousand year Reich enforced by German success.
Le Maire said Europe would push ahead with a Special Purpose Vehicle, a financial institution that allows European companies to trade with Iran, while protecting them from US sanctions. But this was about much more than Iran, he insisted: Europe could not have the US deciding where European companies could do business.

The first nation to use chemical weapons was France,
the first nation to use biological weapons was England,
and the first nation to use nuclear weapons was America.

But once again, the lament appears from London, in blaming the German of her rightful place. Yes the past sins of Germany are so much worse than England, America, France and Russia. Yes it was the German who was hit over the head and  assaulted, robbed and left for dead in World War I. It was  the German who rose up to defend themselves and  were blamed for World War II, in taking back the lands and rightful place of leadership which is the Fatherland. Yes it was the German's fault that America, Russia, England and France genocided 11 million of their men in concentration camps  after 1945 and raped 20 million German women.

The world must be warned of Germans, because the civilized world is so moral in their genocide of the German.

Then Farage turned his attention to Merkel's call (along with Macron) for an EU army:

    "It's a European Union that is now to become an empire - a militarized European Union... 100 years on from the Armistice, we should be genuinely worried - the idea that this new militarized union is somehow a recipe for peace means you should all re-read history..."
    "The European project was set up to stop German domination. What you've seen today is a naked takeover bid! Brexit becomes a necessity after this."

The fault of the German is that they do not use war to slaughter their way to arising  a new European Empire. They simply as a master race have risen to position, because all the other races of Europe have stagnated Europe to a literal extinction by the 22nd century.

It is tantamount for the survival of Europe that the expression of the German Empire, become the reality of the German Empire, as no other people is capable of rising to save Europe.

We are a peaceful volk
