As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I desired to share this with you as a warning in those who have been wholesale seeking to make Russia an enemy and begin a nuclear war with Moscow to loot Russia of her resources.
The time was the German Reich's war of Greater Germany in Operations Barbarossa and Typhoon in 1941 on the Eastern Front. John Keegan quoting Dr. John Erickson who had researched this data produced these facts on what Mother Russia was accomplishing.
As the German's advanced and were slaughtering and capturing hundreds of thousands of Red soldiery, orders were coming from Moscow to dismantle thee entire western Soviet industrial structure so Germany would find nothing. This was beyond scorched earth in no food, but this was the moving of entire factories out of western Russia and placing them in the east.
The Soviets transported 2.5 million soldiers to the front. On the return trip they moved 1523 factories to the east.
455 to the Urals.
200 to Siberia
200 to the Volga
250 to Kazakhstan and Central Asia
90 factories left Leningrad, the most prominent was the heavy tank works. The Soviet economic ministers undertaking the salvation of Russia, moved the new Soviet T 34 tank works from Kharkov to Chelyabinsk in the Urals at the end of September, and by December 8th, that factory turned out the first 25 T 34 tanks, which was the most advanced tank in the world, built on American designs.
This was the Russian second industrial revolution spurred on by German advances.
While Stalin was creating a bloody bow of dead Russians expended to wear out the German advance, as Hitler never wanted consumer production lost for war production, so German civilians would have to do without consumer goods, the Russian ministers were busy accomplishing something never achieved before or since in history in moving an entire industrialized sector from one nation to another. Russia is a huge land mass and being farsighted enough to save her industry is what was part of the many reasons Russia was saved from Stalins blunders.
While nuclear weapons have closed the Russian expanse, nuclear weapons still bring nuclear retaliation. For NATO or America to breach Russia, requires thousands of miles of flight in a war to destroy Russian infrastructure. Those are expensive missions, now challenged by advanced Russian missile batteries. The point is that Russian size does matter, along with it's sloppy seconds of the Russian quagmire of wet and cold weather. The Russian people are still the same people who can be marshaled to move entire industries, dig tank ditches around cities by hand in weeks, and for that matter bury factories to keep war production at levels to overwhelm those who think Russia is an expanse that modern weapons of war can easily overcome.
But if you read the histories online, it is always Stalin who is saving the Soviet Union, but the fact is the saviors of Russia were the economic ministers and the Central Committee undertaking the lesson of the Czar in Napoleon's venture to Moscow in evacuating Russia to the east, while Stalin was rejecting the proposals.
On June 3, 1941, Vasilii Prokhorovich Pronin, chair of the Moscow Soviet and head of a Commission for Moscow’s Evacuation, submitted a plan to Stalin that included the removal from the capital of slightly more than 1 million people in the event of war. Two days later, Stalin rejected the proposal as premature. He demanded the commission’s liquidation and an end to all talk of evacuation.1 A sharp reversal of attitudes followed the German assault on June 22. Hoping to bring order out of disorder, on June 24 the Communist Party ’s Central Committee and the USSR’s Sovnarkom formed an Evacuation Council to regulate the flow east and south of people, institutions, and factories.
In this advent season of peace on earth, the United States should be making peace with Russia at every turn, as war is a short term disaster, and time is on the American and European side as the Russian breeding population is stagnating. Russia will not have a military of effect in 50 years, and more to the point as China is dying out, all of this tension is going to solve itself in old age as populations decrease.
Stalin's Christmas present was bloody packaging while the Russian ministers are who brought the real present to Russia.
Nuff Said