Ravage my whiteness Don jr with your Germanic manhood
as my swarthiness will make your sword polished steel
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I think I need to move along the foreplay between Don jr and this Alexandria Ocasio Cortez........lets just give her a white person name in Alley Carter, as she is angling to get Don jr between her nethers in all this Twitter back and forth going on.
The latest in this Alley Carter trying to trade up to Trump cock is her threatening to strip search Donald Trump jr, throw him into prison and give him conjugal visits. Some might say that is not what she said, but what happens when a woman threatens a man with subpoena powers in Congress? Yes you get arrested, stripped, searched and thrown into prison where you await sex visits from the women who are hot for you.
I will bring the steak for your pan Alexandria
brought home with my bang stick
I sort of think this is a good thing in power dating as no one calls these commie babes, and it is simpler for them to throw their future husbands into prison and have a go with them there. After all, who would Don jr. choose? Lionel the 300 pound Negroid or Jasper the 180 pound toothless Nazi? This Ocasio Cortez would be a shoo in if Don jr. was in prison.
Look Alley has some good points and some bad points. The first is she is nuts in she wants to be Obama Tan in starting some trillion dollar New Green Deal. She is so vacuous that she does not know that Obama tapped out all the Green energy America could rely on, but as we are talking about sex for Don jr, we will let her ignorance slide for the moment.
For the good points, she has buck teeth. Those will drive Don jr. wild as she nipples on his one eyed monster and his nipples.

Next she has good sized comforting breasts. Yes a bit saggy, but with Ivanka's plastic surgeon and 10,000 dollars, Don can have a real playground here of perky nipples which could poke his eye out. Just saying once she gets those bullet hard nipples, Don will be in for the foot massage of his life.

In all honesty this woman is built for sex. She has the child bearing hips, the vice like legs to hold a real hunter like Don on her range rover and you simply have to agree, that Alley Carter being a Puerto Rican is the kind of woman Lucille Ball would have stayed married to. You just can not keep them Cubans around and the Mexicans are like something you don't want to keep around, and those other breeds out of Latin America are just not on the primate scale of the Puerto Ricans.

Yes Don jr. being a Drumpf would be well aware of this Latino pecking order. While not of the hierarchy of the Argentinian or the Chilean, one can not go wrong with level 3 in a Puerto Rican. Certainly these are the thinking chimpanzee of the Spanish and Portuguese world of impregnating Indians to a higher social order.
It is obvious that Alley Carter has whored herself out to the democratic party, taken a number of hoochie photos, is making a name for herself, all to impress Donald Trump jr. She plays with no one else and immediately responds to his posts. I mean she calls him a pet name of Junior, which is pure sexual insult to arouse in a man a desire to hot Latin sex it up with her. This woman wants Don jr. and she wants him in prison to strip him naked and own him.
Everyone has their fetishes, and I for one as a lady, would simply prefer Don jr. arrive at her office, be manly with her, as she longs to melt into his D9 arms, and by next week she will be a Republican and probably replace Mike Pence on the ticket for 2020.
Of course this woman is Spanish White, like that Beto O'Rourke, who married white too. That is all Alley wants is to have a real man make a complete woman of her, and she has chosen Donald Trump jr. Who can blame her as her hidden lusts were simmering and once Don jr. got divorced, she made her move. There are not many women who would get elected to Congress to just impress a man.
This is the courtship of Donald Trump jr. and I hope that I have helped this relationship along, as Don would be good for Alley and Alley already has moved up on the scale as Don jr's large comforting breasted companion felt threatened enough to threaten Alley to stay away from her man.
Did you just threaten to subpoena someone for criticizing you? As a lawyer and former prosecutor I find this deeply troubling. https://t.co/OqIpBkbsIS— Kimberly Guilfoyle (@kimguilfoyle) December 7, 2018
Ain't Trump lust grande.