Saturday, December 8, 2018

The La'me Cherry storyboard on how the rich can survive Nuclear 9 11

Logan 7, I am rich Jessica 6, and I listened to La'me Cherry,
cashed in part of my portfolio, and built this doomsday bunker,
and did not tell anyone or they would have come after the nuke and 
killed me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry embarks upon a storyboard to teach rich people how to survive their coming doom by cashing in part of their portfolio for their bunker days.

No when we build our doomsday bunker as Lame Cherry said,
we won't tell anyone, or they will show up and try to eat our food
and then we will have to kill them all.

This survival store is really cool Jessica in they only sell to rich
and attractive people and don't keep receipts so we will
be tracked down.

Wow, a nuke went off, there goes the neighborhood.
I got to go, but not to my secret doomsday bunker
which I do not have.

You do know Jessica that with Wall Street gone and all your gold radioactive
that you are as poor as a church mouse or La'me Cherry now.



Wow Jessica 6, you play chess the same all the time,
you have made that move 7490 times in the past month.


Yes you found my secret door to my bunker, but now that 
means I will have to shoot you as I have as many bullets
 as beans. 


Isn't it wonderful Jessica, you killed the last human, and the nuclear radiation has killed everything else
in every millionaire mansion neighborhood and melted all the
mirrors too so no one can see how sweaty we look.


We are Richard Nixon's silent majority of two, and as we
have the club, what we say goes in post 9 11 holocaust world 

Logan, this sucks, all the rich people are dead who did not
listen to La'me Cherry, and I have no one to flaunt myself in front of.


No my dear, money, stocks, investments mean nothing here now,
but I would give my life for Butter Rum Life Saver.

I'm sorry Heather and Gregory, it is hard to know who survived
as some people listened to La'me Cherry and camouflaged  their
doomsday bunkers and stayed inside them.

Yes we still feel a little bit guilty in not donating to Lame Cherry
even after she saved our lives, but we make up for it, in we found a mirror
and we pose in front of it, admiring ourselves.

