As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Perhaps I was not plain enough to the rich people on this blog, that I am still waiting for you to make the 7000 plus dollar donations, to make up for the economic implosion after mom's death here. The fact is you get only real information here and real insights which you are never going to get from a Glenn Beck and Mark Levin joined at the genital union.
As we are still recovering from the Mexican Flu and everything else, as it is amazing in fuel bills, IRS in newly discovered back taxes, mortuaries and neighbors still demand to be paid, even though your mother dies. This though is about me earning those generous donations which will come in as rich people are such good souls, and the following is an explanation of connect the dots in what killed mom, bunches of other geezers and sick, and will kill another 150,000 Americans before spring, and it is what destroyed Sarah Palin's home in Anchorage Alaska.
First we come to what has killed the world's atmosphere in HAARP. Yes the electromagnetic symphony which super heats the upper atmosphere, producing odd weather and lots of graves as cold air kills geezers, but wonderfully lines the bank accounts of the Oil Barons who Mr. President has allowed to destroy MAGA in charging high energy prices.

Next we come to the reality of where HAARP is in this grid of magnetic atmospheric lines with other systems, and the reality that HAARP has it's own massive electrical power plant, which is plugged into an entire reservoir of natural gas under Alaska to generate the power it requires to cook the atmosphere to create high fuel prices.

Then we have the reality that there are oil wells and gas wells in Alaska which have been draining oil and gas over time, not for Americans, but for Japanese and Poles, as our high energy prices are soaring and going to drive up in 2019 as all of America's allies from Saudi Arabia to Canada are cutting production.
Now look where Anchorage is..........smack dab on top of the oil and gas fields, and right on top of HAARP.
OK now we do the connect the dots. In these Trump year, the weather has gone berserk. Storms appear out of nowhere, this cold America has now, came out of Greenland in the east, which is IMPOSSIBLE, and in the brier patch the sky looks dead. We have nothing but this grey sky which his morbid. No sun, no warmth, just this doldrums of death, and it has not been above freezing here in over a month. We have had January weather in November and it continues killing more people.
Now for your lesson, what do you get if you empty a cavern in Mr. President's oil barons pumping oil for foreigners, not Americans coupled with the Weather Mods blowing the hell out of the sky daily, testing weather modification to trap nuclear fall out, or to make it cold so Americans get robbed heating their homes or burying their piles of new dead? Why you get an empty chamber that took a century to fill, and is depleting in years. With that pressure not holding plates in Alaska in place, the plates collapse in tension, and what do you get? 7.0 plus earthquakes and these hundreds of tremors which simply refuse to stop, because the miles of surface earth is sinking back into the gas and oil wells.
That is what is behind the recent Alaska earthquake, and Americans got nothing of it, but high prices as foreigners got our oil and gas, but we did get higher fuel bills and undertaker bills, because when I told you HAARP was cooking a dead atmosphere last year, HAARP is now murdering the sick and elderly in America for profit.
OK now for you rich people, as you think dead atmospheres and Alaska do not matter, as of course you think you can hedge that donate button here, but now comes the whopper. The east coast of America, especially from New York to Tennessee is sitting on 9.0 fault lines, that is level landscapes earthquakes. Your 1% has been burning natural gas in power plants, instead of coal. That gas is coming out of the Northeast. The New Madrid Missouri line is now 200 years past the last major quake and New York has long overdue. All that gas coming out of the ground for power plants will produce the big ones. If it was just Americans heating homes, nothing would happen, but the depletion rate is too fast.
Oh and forget Fracking being blamed. Fracking is now what causes the swarms of quakes as in Oklahoma, that comes from pumping oil out too fast or gas. Fracking is just cracking oil stone and taking oil from those reservoirs. The problem is the emptying of the space occupied.
So that is more information and explanation than any of you have received and I certainly have earned the generous donations again. Those donations have to appear from the rich sometime as time has run out.
That dang HAARP left me homeless and killed Lame Cherry's mum!!!
will the aftershocks stop?
USA Today, by Kristin Lam
Original Article | |||
Two days after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck near Anchorage, Alaska is still shaking. Since Friday´s tremor, the strongest to strike The Last Frontier since a 7.9 in the remote Rat Islands in 2014, the U.S. Geological Survey has recorded 166 aftershocks of magnitude 3.0 or higher around Anchorage as of 4:50 p.m. PST Sunday, USGS geophysicist Brad Aagaard told USA TODAY. Earthquakes of 3 or higher are strong enough to be felt. There have been hundreds of smaller disturbances: 1,406 aftershocks of at least magnitude 1.0. The aftershocks will occur less frequently as time goes on, Aagaard said. |
Nuff Said