Monday, January 14, 2019

Comrade Donald Trumpkov

Comrades my name is really Donald Trumpkov!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The poor orphan girl, Lame Cherry is about to help Donald John Trump, the President of the United States, as the comrade needs it.

The Lame Cherry is going to prove that Donald Trump is not a Russian agent, mole or fellow traveler, like Harry Hopkins who worked for Frank Roosevelt.

Trump Confronts the Prospect of a
‘Nonstop Political War’ for Survival

New York Times, by Peter Baker    Original Article
WASHINGTON —So it has come to this: The president of the United States was asked over the weekend whether he is a Russian agent. And he refused to directly answer. The question, which came from a friendly interviewer, not one of the “fake media” journalists he disparages, was “the most insulting thing I’ve ever been asked,” he declared. But it is a question that has hung over his presidency now for two years. If the now 23-day government shutdown standoff between Mr. Trump and Congress has seemed ugly, it may eventually seem tame by comparison with what is to come. The

The poor orphan girl in need of rich people to donate first asks all of you geniuses like Sean Homo Hannity who have not promoted this defense of their Donald John Trump, aka President of the United States these facts:

Is the President in charge of the United States armed forces?

Dah or Yes if you are Russia and or an American spy.

OK you already are bored, so I will get to the tovarich part of this in does the President have the nuclear codes to the American nuclear missiles to launch them?

Does the President have access to every nuclear submarine positioned on the planet?

Does the President have access to every NSA satellite and military and intelligence code?

Does the President have the authority to order the United States military to stand down?

Does the President have access to the United States Treasury "buy codes" for Wall Street to stabilize the stock markets?

Now if you were the United States President and Vladimir Putin was your boss, and you had Robert Mueller trying to hang you by your balls as Nancy Pelosi used your cut off dong to hammer GUILTY as the gavel of your impeachment, would you not have already handed over all of the codes to Moscow to shut down the the NSA spy satellites, GPS weapons positioning and platforms, shut down the Aegis system, HAARP, missile defense, neutralized the entire United States nuclear arsenal, as you ordered the United States military to all stand down, as the Russians took out the US trident submarines, as you set off a market implosion as cover, so your boss Vladimir Putin would have been toasted by you in the White House, as his liberation force, joined the 40 million armed Trump voters to liberate America from the deep state.........would you not have already done this two years ago, because no one could have stopped you?

Comrade Americanski, Ivanka smuggled out the nuclear codes
in her bra, received by Comrade Putin's own hands!!!

If Donald Trump was a Russian asset of any kind, every American family would have been given a million dollars from the stolen deep state trillions as Vladimir pocketed the other 50 trillion and Donald took his bonus of 3 trillion, and the street lights of America would have swinging from them all the bastards who use American law to criminalize Americans.

As you can see this is what helping Donald Trump looks like. Not what Mike Pence does in plotting or those rather helpful Lindsey Graham types are always helping with while the Trump children are discovering they are not as German as they thought they were.

Comrades, I have changed my name to Stalin Trumpkov
and my brother will now be known as Putin Trumpkov!!!


Frankly I would that Donald Trump was a Russian agent as for once Americans would have gotten something out of it, unlike those Jew Rosenbergs who gave the nukes away or just name most of the liberals and conservatives we have providing the talking points for who are the 5th column, as they live in luxury and Blacks in Chicago are bleeding and Whites in America are committing suicide........

But alas, Donald Trump is just who he is, the menagerie man, the tweeter of the gilded cage. Alas if only Donald Trumpkov.

Comrades, One Nation under Putin
with Trump and Vodka for all!!!


Nuff Said
