Wednesday, January 23, 2019

In Praise of the Pal

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I would that Paypal was paying me for this as a spokesmodel, but I am just the orphan girl and in always trying to help people with online situations, I wanted to address Paypal, who I think I have been a customer for theirs since 1999, in my first purchases on Ebay were filtered through Paypal.

I may have never gotten the best of it with Paypal in coverage of purchases or other situations, but I can not complain about how this online client works. It is a point after a firm in California lifted my credit card after an ammo purchase, that I am a bit more oriented in not handing out my credit card information to vendors any more. That is the nice feature about Paypal in they are the intermediary between buyers and sellers and no one gets to see my card information, except that secure outlet.

That is what baffles me when I see these people bitching that Paypal charges a few for a few dollars for a service they provide. The reality is from my experience is if you have funds in your Paypal account, that money transfers without a charge to sellers. It is a different story with credit cards as all vendors are charged, and that includes your grocery store or any retail outlet where you swipe or chip stick that credit card. I is the way the financial game is set up, and as it is a business expense which is tax deductible, I could never figure out why Gramma in Florida as having a fit over my not writing out a check, the mail costs 50 cents, or a postal money order which costs me money, when it is more convenient, quicker and safer to do business this way.

There are good features on Paypal in multiple accounts off of one account. The ability to list various credit cards on the account and the ability to list multiple bank accounts. Paypal has become a ledger of finance really and is quite perfect in this niche, as listing personal and business bank accounts in one Paypal account as much as personal and business credit cards on the one account, allows in payment to mix and match and to keep track of several transactions, so your transactions can be separated.
I learned that from my Uncle who had a successful lawn business mowing Jehovah's Witness' lawns. Those elite Witnesses are all multi millionaires and he did very well. He also kept one credit card for all of his lawnmower equipment and expenses, so each month he had everything itemized for taxes. Paypal offers a like feature in keeping downloadable records for taxes as they send in the 1099 to the IRS by law in the money which comes into Paypal accounts on business. It is detailed after Patriot Act that countries of origin must now be listed too on transactions.

I was having a bit of a problem with a troll who was checking credit cards, which is a process where a criminal gains credit cards, then lights up Paypal accounts with them in small denominations to check of the card is active. It took me about 6 months to shut down that troll in refunding money and reporting to the authorities. I became a too difficult of a site so being difficult ended the problem.

I do like Paypal though as numbers of Ebay vendors who sell farm supplies operate on the "buy it now" as other sites do too, as the sellers do not want to invest the money in credit card devices and all of that when for a fee, they can use Paypal to reach a global audience, where they know the money is good and no checks are going to bounce. Being able to acquire supplies which are more cost effective and even available is a must. I purchased an electric fencer module which I could not get here, but a store in Kansas had them and in a few clicks I had it purchased.

I never thought as come with the cash girl that I would ever transit to e commerce and plastic, but 90% of what I do now is e commerce and plastic. I am not rich enough to set up automatic payments for electricity and water, but in order to bring this blog, I have auto pay for my ISP provider and it works out very well. The only thing I do not like is I never have a handle on the real money going out as I used to, as I tended before to purchase things in streaks and then let a card cool off for a few months, in order to keep my checking account in closer order.

For Paypal though, for credit card registration, they will sometimes do a 1 dollar charge and return. For bank accounts to be verified, all that is in order for that is, you list your routing number and account number on your check or savings account, Paypal sends a text with a verification pin, and then they make two deposits into the account of a few cents, and withdraw it. You then log in and notify them of the amount and the account is verified. I will not say this is always the case as the last account I registered there, I had to do a live chat with wetware who verified the account to make sure I was no a bot, and then the next day when I got the deposit amounts to record on Paypal, Paypal had already verified the account. Apparently if you are in good standing with the system there and are verified, they are accepting of accounts.

I really like though the automated internet in doing business. I am pleased for security when I see that Paypal logo in the corner of a seller site, and I can just click on it, log in, and in a few clicks everything is paid for and I do not have to fill out any shipping information as Paypal has the information already.
It is nice to be able to choose from online account, bank account, credit card or Paypal credit.....the last I do not have as I have enough credit cards, even if getting 50 bucks off for a purchase as at Amazon tempts me often enough.

In my experience, I have always had a very good interaction with Paypal reps. Even that checking incident when Paypal contacted me to explain things, in the office out of Nebraska, the people were very professional and nice. One of my most memorable moments was calling up Paypal one Sunday morning and I got a kid out in California who reminded me of Chance on Human Target. Nothing bothered that guy. If I was asking questions, he would tell me, "No problem, just do it this way and it will work". He was right and it did work and it is the main reason I am still around.

As I have stated, I really would love it if Paypal made me their spokesorphan, but that ain't going to happen. I though will write reviews of things I use so that others will know what is available in the things they might want to try. I never tried any other services as Paypal has always treated me right. I like the itemized logs because in growing up, the mother, had piles of receipts she kept and a calculator in getting things wrong and it was a nightmare. I love TL's spreadsheets, our itemized credit and bank statements, and no more mother pissing me off screaming at her in some damn stupid thing she did. In fact, after she died, one of the first things we did was get her bank account printed up for the year, as her records were a DISASTER again. She had told me in September quite proudly that she had all of her bookkeeping done. I glimpsed that month's page and it did not look too bad, and then in looking for things the night she died, I came across her notebook and recoiled as no one could make heads or tails out of what the hell she did. It was a rat's nest of ink and paper. I was not about to spend a week of headaches in trying to find bills she had saved in dealing with her dead, so itemized bank notices is what happened, as I honestly do not know if she kept half the chit she was supposed to. I swear there are years in my taxes which are missing, so I do not know where that woman stuffed things away.
That is why there is a brown envelop in a ledger for accounts from this moment on, and for this year, it is Paypal, the bank and the credit cards which will take TL and I about an hour to process as Paypal will log the 1089 totals for me, and I have the farm sales totals for the year, as you rat bastards did not get all the animals killed.

I like Paypal though for the available layer of security for my accounts. That site should be praised for that and more e commerce should gravitate toward this platform as no one can steal your credit card number if you are not entering it and only clicking the Paypal logo.

Nuff Said
