Sunday, January 13, 2019


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This comes off in my stupidly purchasing 13 dollars worth of Evercrisp apples as I was told they were on they were not. They also still looked dirty, came from Michigan and were not at all as good as the apples from last year.
One person said they had waited all year to get some of those apples........well apparently someone else had too, as they took down the sign for them and were just sitting there, all 50 of them, next to some of the worst looking Honeycrisps I have ever seen.

The reason for this post is the Viking told me too look for an apple called Riverbelle. I looked it up, and it comes from Minnesota or was first produced in Wisconsin and sounds like a sweet version of Honeycrisp. As I live in the brier patch, we get chit here. The leftovers which no one will ever buy and that is how we got the Evercrisp apples and after this and all the chit that monopoly pulls, I am done with them and planting the seeds to gain an orchard of them and run them all out of business.

I digress.

I honestly think I am going back to Haralsons and Fireside, as I like those I am the one trying to grow Honeygold apples as I like them best. Anyway, I am going to be on the look for Riverbelle apples as I am certain they are good, and if you find them, enjoy, but right now they seem to be a regional apple.

Speaking of which, we got dumped here another apple no one wants in Koru. I looked that one up too in it is an apple from New Zealand found growing in a rose garden. It is a hard apple, like a Northwestern Greening in hit hurts the gums in biting into it. It is sweet though, a watery sweet like a Spy apple, Prairie Spy is watery, but this one is sweet. Not much apple flavor, but in being a cheap apple it beats Honeycrisp and Braeburns. I am glad more apples are making their way into the market, and when I can not get the trash apples, I resort to Fuji as it is about the best thing I can munch on.

At this moment in time my favorite about apples is TL and I do errands or just get out of the house, and we always share an apple on the way home. I used not do very good with peals, but since Turpentine, I can eat things better and I look forward to our apples. It was pleasing to start out with Honeygold, and these Evercrisps will be on the trail with us, and I hope these Koru keep around as most people will not try a new apple and they just set, no matter how good they are. I don't think a Red Delicious is even available any more which is a good thing as there are promising new varieties and Honeygolds are kind of universal in no orchard can screw them up in they like all kinds of soils. They beat Gingergold all to hell and back.

I think of Minnesota in the good parts. The wet, the soil, the good apples grown there. How nice it would be to eat apples fresh off the tree on cool autumn days. I have so many plans for when God moves rich people to donate in we plan on getting bees and more land means we have room for planting hundreds of apple trees. I want to get root stock and graft the varieties I have from God. I really like the God Tree by the alter rock, in the apples hang on it, and the squirrels here to keep from starving have been picking apples off of it and eating them.
The deer were digging under the snow last week to get the apples on the ground. Looked like a platoon had been shoveling snow all night.

I so miss trapping. I miss dreaming dreams. I miss riding horses. I miss fishing. I miss having a life to live. I hope that all of this downtime is providing me knowledge to have future adventures with TL. It would make things easier for when the good times come, as being cold and poor and only reading out fabled Minnesota apples is not much comfort tapping on a keyboard.

Well that is Riverbelle.

Nuff Said

