Monday, February 11, 2019

Erick Erickson Jisms from Trump Open Borders and Pence Rationed Death

I flag therefore I am....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After reading the fine article on Zerohedge noting the reality that Americans have gotten screwed in the Gary Cohn Goldman Sachs tax breaks for Wall Street, in Americans are going to OWE MORE MONEY, I found it delicious that Erick Erickson is coming in from the #NeverTrumper cold by crawling up Pence's ass as Trump grabs his bent over pussy, in stating he will be voting for Trump 2020.

Never Trumper Erick Erickson Announces
He Will Support Trump in 2020

Breitbart Politics, by Kristina Wong    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 2/11/2019 4:43:24 PM     Post Reply
Erick Erickson, editor of the Resurgent and a leading Never Trumper who voted third-party in 2016, announced Monday in a column that he would throw his full support behind President Trump in 2020. “I will vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. And, to be clear, it will not be just because of what the other side offers, but also because of what the Trump-Pence team has done. They’ve earned my vote,” he wrote. Erickson argued that the president is not perfect but that the president has delivered on his promises. He wrote: Some of my concerns about President Trump

The thing is, for all the head game shit Jehu has been pissing on people's legs and saying it is raining, I have absolute doubts I will ever support or vote for Donald John again.

Millions Of Angry Americans Will End Up With ... -

When Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a/k/a Trump's tax code overhaul in early 2017, the big expectation for tax season 2018 - the first tax-filing season under the new tax law - was that virtually all Americans would end up receiving a bigger refund.

Let me be succinct in this, Donald Trump has cemented in the Obama Nazi State, that is National Socialism and he has lied through his Twitter with slights of hand in what this White House given to his voters. As I have noted Republican Governor Kristi Noem in the first thing she did was sign into law Constitutional Carry for gun rights in South Dakota, She paid off her promise first thing. Donald Trump started spewing gun control from the start, as baby's kept being butchered at Planned Parenthood and all the Obama Marxism is on the books.

To put it simply, Erick Erickson in not being happy in the wilderness he and Bill Kristol created, Erickson is not happy to be leading the Nowhere Whigs of the 21st century. Apparently Erickson signed up for round two of Mole Man for the deep state.

I will repeat I got nothing out of Donald Trump, except pissed off and disappointed donors who have pulled out on me, as they did not like me pointing out how this White House shattered their dreams of MAGA.
I got nothing but jack and shit out of this, as I won't sell this soul to the beast.

I'm looking to Jesus not literal Neo Nazis, like John McCain was running out of Ukraine.

On a dead goat day, with more below zero weather,  I ain't crawling up Mike Pence's ass to get warm and I ain't getting my goat grabbed by anyone.

Nuff  Said

