Where do put the hymen into her?
As another lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am sorry and apologize to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez as apparently like Val dash erie Jarrett, she had a hyphen in her name, and it is pronounced and important.
I have not been addressing her hymen in her name and that I was unaware of it being important to Jewish Puerto Ricans.
The thing is, her father, she explains had a hymen in his name too, but I don't know if it was Homer Hymen Ocasio Hymen or Homer Ocasio Hymen or Homer Hymen Ocasio.
I think that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's hymen is between her Ocasio and her Cortez. It is hard to figure this out though as Alexandria says her last name is not Cortez. I thought the last name people had was at the end of their name, so apparently in this a missing hymen changes your name or a hymen in the right place changes your name.
I sort of always thought you had to amount to something to be having two last names. You know like Eddie Taco John, whose Mom Gramma invented tacos and his dad invented outdoor toilets.
I just don't know in this is Alley Carter in her Puerto Rican version has more than one hymen. I mean is her name like Alex - and - Ria Hymen Ocasio Hymen Cortez? So is she like, like Michelle Obama in a transgender she thing? Is she like transitioning from Alex to Ria, so she was a guy or he was a guy and is not going to be a girl in Ria? I don't speak taco so I don't know this taco lingo thing in how the names are and where you put the hymen into this.
Does a guy like this have a hymen?
So until for those illiterate in Puerto Rican Jewish hymens, and those like me who are not conversant in sexual deviants, I am hoping that Al O. Cortez would please clarify where her hymen is and where you put it when addressing her.
Look I try hard here to call Niggers, Mics, Spics, Krauts, Crackers, Lezbo, Fags, Pedos by their appropriate respectful names as a woman I know how hard it is in life in people peeking up my skirt and not donating.
I just promise that when the rich people are donating to this blog, I will not complain about them not including my hymen as Al Cortez is as it is like this reality.
Say Al is at a Nazi work camp, and the head Nazi says, "Hey, Al Cortez, we are cutting you loose today", and I am sure that Al Cortez is not going to stand there all bitchy and say, "Hey that is not my name, it is Ocasio Hymen Cortez, so close the gates and open the oven doors, because I am staying!".
That sort of settles it, as I doubt the Ocasios invented tampons, or every woman would be sticking Ocasios up their nethers when they bleed.
I think Laura Ingraham should ask if Alexandria would settle for the string on the tampon, if no one can figure out where the hymen is between Ocasio Cortez?