As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The other day in the thrift store, I was sorting through the Mexican nit infested caps on display when I came across this one which had dork written all over it. It was like a Wisconsin remake of Ralphie in the Christmas Story.
TL was not that impressed, but you know this cap sort of grows on people. I put it on after appropriated DDT applications and it felt ok, and as I always make the clothes, I will admit that I just make the cap snap.
I call all of these night watchman or tank liner caps "boobers", because they look like they would be used to keep some huge German woman's breasts covered. Sort of like Madonna without the metal pointy tits. They also look like something a boob would wear in public, and odd thing is I wear them often enough to keep my head warm on sinus days.
The mad boober though is a hybrid of a mad bomber, which I also have, crossed with a boober, and a sort of Radar O'Reilly brim on it. That thing would never keep snow or shine out of your eyes, so what it is on there for, beyond showing you which way was front or back, is it's only value.
It is an odd combination of old duck hunter camo, with modern deer hunter camo. Probably was what it was for in some parent bought a kid this hat to wear dear hunting and they refused or did wear it and everyone laughed at them.
Thing is though I of course had people saying "Hi' to me and it was the mad boober on me which was having people of course want to be around someone as suave and attractive as I am. It simply can not be helped, but what can one do when one is so appealing that even tring to not look appealing, I am even more appealing as everyone is standing there thinking, "I thought those caps were nothing I would be caught in, and there is that immensely attractive and sophisticated person looking so appealing, perhaps my husband will agree to a second credit card for my fat ass panties collection, from the fat ass girls monthly botique...." or something like that.
I do know these watchman's or tank liner caps do make people look more menacing, or at least I can make them look more menacing. It is that look that brier patch toughs all have and just look tougher with a boober on. With the mad boober, though I look like I direct some government agency like the IRS which of course brings an allure of danger and allure, as who is not attracted to IRS agents bareheaded. Can you imaging if they started wearing mad boobers? Citizens would be phoning them up, demanding to be audited.
Anyway this is my 1.50 mad boober which will keep my head warm and will of course bring me more fashion acclaim and fame, along with more popularity as I simply can not stop being who I am in being so attractive, and popular to the mass population of humanity and animals.
Nuff Said