OK I give you the Syrian Golan and you deliver the Jew vote Padre.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The question is did Donald Trump just buy the 2020 presidential elections with Syrian land?
"After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!" Trump tweeted.
The state of Israel or Judea, when it was laid out was a war waiting to happen. The Rothschilds dumping in squatter Muslims and a Jewish state which looks like T Bone Steak that a dog ate the best part of, is not anything secure. The worst of it was the Golan Heights which Syrian controlled. Nothing is worse in modern warfare than having an elevated position where your enemy can fire artillery, rockets and observe you from, and that is what the Golan was and is. For a more secure region, it is time that the Golan be annexed by the Jews and the Jews need to annex the West Bank and Gaza, and in that, Donald Trump needs to stop being a pussy and go for the whole hog.
I once again urge President Trump to initiate the Cherry Doctrine in buying all of the homes of the Philistines in Gaza, instead of authoring another billion dollar war against them and Hezbollah. I suggest that the Philistines each be given an acre of land, and moved to the Sinai for a new homeland, away from Jews and tension.
This homeland would be Egyptian monitored for security in Egypt would have the guns and army.
By accomplishing this, with a water project from the Nile, the Philistines could grow gardens in the desert.
To compensate the Egyptians, the border with Egypt will be moved 5 miles west, as the Jews annex southern Lebanon to put an end to Hezbollah. It is time for Temple Mount to have a Jewish Temple and declare it an international peace zone.
This is the only legitimate solution to this region, and nothing what Jared Kushner is prowling around about. In Mideast horse trading, Donald Trump just bribed the Jews in order to help out Kushner's Netanyahu in the coming elections. The Jews got part of Syria, now the Jews will be expected to offer up something for Kusher Peace.
I am not in favor of the massive bloodshed being spoken of in wars against Hezbollah and Gaza, unless the point is to thin out right wing Jews and make the Jews a pariah state, which would work out very well of Sebastian Kurz to bring in real peace, as Jared Kushner has this tied to his tail in the slaughter of thousands.
Jews have been driven out of the Muslim democratic party into Trump Party's waiting arms, a real socialist state like the Land of Judea in the image of Golda Mier. All is at work and it is amazing to see the lengths Donald Trump will go to in making Ivanka happy. He blows up Syrian children by tomahawking them and now has stolen considerable real estate from Syria to make Jared look good in the coming negotiations which have been stalled by Saudi Arabia and the Jews.
A good war will solve a great deal, but I prefer to protect the Philistines and let Sebastian Kurz handle the peace.
The question is in war, will those Jews in America, volunteer to several million to replace the dead Jews in a Kushner grab for peace as the Jews over their fight it out, are exterminated and require those high minded Americans like the Kushners to appear and serve in the IDF?
Maybe that is why Jared and his Goldfarb handed over control of US Soldiers to Tel Aviv as was exclusively covered here. Better to get some kids from Mississippi with Confederate Flags to die for the Jew vote than Jews.
Did Donald Trump buy the Jew vote? Did the Jews accept the bribe to make Jared look good? And the big question is, will all the realities the Lame Cherry just expressed make the Jews think this is a bit more than they bargained for as it seems Donald Trump just bought them for 30 pieces of Syrian silver.
I think Donald John's entourage should offer me an 8 million dollar book deal to keep from pointing out how he is stealing the 2020 election as that 15% of the vote is going to look cheap at 8 million.
Nuff Said