Friday, March 22, 2019

Enjoy Your Easter Ham

Pork me you Occidental Ham Boy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is the story of Easter in America and some facts that few will remember were posted here in part over the years, but will now be compiled here for your Happy Easter Pig Meat.

For a bit of history lesson in this. It was George HW Bush who brought China from the millet fields and rice paddy to the industrial age. If you remember, Walmart in their first ads were AMERICAN MADE. That vanished as it became Chinese.

20 years ago, China was dumping subsidized cast iron for our pots and everything else into the United States to knock off American manufacturing, which was helped overseas by Bill Clinton in betraying the Unions. Once the Americans were out of the market, you will notice how prices have all spiked in Made In China. The California Dairy cartels did the same thing in driving US family farm milk producers out of business, and  then milk went from 1.29 a gallon to 4 dollars a gallon.

During the Obama regime, historical 44, embarked on turning America over to a select group of conglomerates who would run the American economy. Amazon is a key element of this, and you will notice that under Mr. Trump, Shopko, Payless Shoes and hosts of other businesses are going bankrupt. The day will come with an Amazon monopoly that all your prices will begin gouging everyone again.
For those who think America is a place of righteous business. Back in the 1970's, American farmers were penalized for "dirty grain". I know of Cargill, which is a Jewish concern in Minneapolis was shipping wheat to China. One of the truckers who told me this, was sitting in line to unload and he asked another trucker what he was hauling. He said "expletive". When asked to explain, he said, he had a load of rat crap, chaff and whatever that had been cleaned out of grain in local elevators, and was being mixed back in to the Chinese shipment as inert matter. This got so bad the Chicoms started screaming about it.

For a bit of history lesson in this. It was George HW Bush who brought China from the millet fields and rice paddy to the industrial age. If you remember, Walmart in their first ads were AMERICAN MADE. That vanished as it became Chinese.

Twenty years ago, China was dumping subsidized cast iron for our pots and everything else into the United States to knock off American manufacturing, which was helped overseas by Bill Clinton in betraying the Unions. Once the Americans were out of the market, you will notice how prices have all spiked in Made In China. The California Dairy cartels did the same thing in driving US family farm milk producers out of business, and then milk went from 1.29 a gallon to 4 dollars a gallon.

During the Obama regime, historical 44, embarked on turning America over to a select group of conglomerates who would run the American economy. Amazon is a key element of this, and you will notice that under Mr. Trump, Shopko, Payless Shoes and hosts of other businesses are going bankrupt. The day will come with an Amazon monopoly that all your prices will begin gouging everyone again.

For those who think America is a place of righteous business. Back in the 1970's, American farmers were penalized for "dirty grain". I know of Cargill, which is a Jewish concern in Minneapolis was shipping wheat to China. One of the truckers who told me this, was sitting in line to unload and he asked another trucker what he was hauling. He said "expletive". When asked to explain, he said, he had a load of rat crap, chaff and whatever that had been cleaned out of grain in local elevators, and was being mixed back in to the Chinese shipment as inert matter. This got so bad the Chicoms started screaming about it.

For the record, China has zero quality control. If something gets banned there, it will appear in some South American country and shipped back into the United States. The Rothchilds own the lions share of Indian agriculture, and that land is toxic. Basmati rice grown in India is loaded with heavy metals. It is repackaged though and shipped into the United States as not Asian. Most of the Alaskan fish is caught by Russian trawlers and either is Russian or Chinese processed and shipped to American again.

To put it this way, when you do not protest that your Grade A Large Eggs are now medium sized eggs, and a percentage are old eggs mixed with new eggs, do you really want to know how many of those Smithfield hams were pigs that died under 100 other pigs in a truck and laid their two days before processing by Mexicans or that you are not getting a percentage of Brazilian, Russian, Vietnamese pork legs which are cheaper sold to you in the profit structure?

The Vietnamese were dumping their fish into the US driving American catfish producers out of business. It is like all that Brazil beef started being dumped into America, but is being sold at American prices, as American beef, where most American beef is Canadian box beef.

What is being done to animals in the livestock agribusiness industry is inhumane from dairy cows which are burned out in a few years being fed only corn diets until they break down to what is being dumped out of China. American grain agriculture is Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill which is Jewish British and Gavilon Grain which is George Soros, and they all sell to China, and were selling to China even with Donald Trump's soybean embargo which was crippling the US farmers.
The same Donald Trump who bans legal sportsman imports in African lions and Melania bans fur in the White House, and yet this is what business as Trump on the Obama Clinton Bush abuse of animals, and the  two legged rural animals facing extinction under this commerce.

In China pigs have that Easter miracle allure about Them

Bon Apetite.

Nuff Said
