Friday, May 24, 2019

It was Memorial Day

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well it was Memorial Day weekend fakery to be Memorial Day the 30th, and as we planted the mother in November, it was a point after being buried under 3 foot of snow all winter to fix things.

Graves need fixing in the real world. I would have hoped the burying boys would have  mounded the grave up some, so when things settled it would have been level, but of course it was about a 9 inch drop off from the sod, and monsoon rains, so it looked more like a bathtub.

We got over there on the afternoon of the 23rd, bringing the wheel barrel, spades and we decided a peony at 10 dollars, a pink Sarah Bernhardt would be the thing between my sister's grave and the parents.

My brother was back last week and was saying that there was not any gumbo over  there, and I have news in there is gumbo over there. That ain't black sand. That is gumbo mixed in with black sand and the pure chicken shit brown gumbo.

For those who are ignorant of gumbo, it is like baby calf shit. Ok it is like dog shit, baby shit or cat shit for being sticky, now you know what gumbo is and it sticks to your spade, to your feet and it is the real shit of soil.

When it is wet is weighs in at about 20 pounds to the pound too, and Lord have Mercy was it a chore loading that shit into a wheel barrel and then hauling it over to the grave. Four loads though and we had a mound and I was telling TL that it was a 2 beer afternoon.

We dug around and got the peony planted, put in some old slats from a pallet to keep the grass out, and  it looked pretty good. I saw that they had already blasted in the death date, so it was all good to go.

I had my reason for doing this, as my shit sisters who did not help pay for the funeral, will probably be over there pretending to be daughters as they are worried about how things look for their being assholes. They would have never filled in that grave, so we did it, and with their fake grave lights and plastic flowers, their shit will look like shit, and I will throw it across the fence into the field and that is where their contribution belongs. They never were there for this woman in life, were frauds in her death, so they sure as hell are not going to be allowed to pretend to be family just for appearances sake.

The gal who was mowing, we stopped and gave a beer and got to talking to her, and she is one of the neighbor kids. She said it looked nice what we did, as she has been bouncing her ass across that plot for a month, and while it is not perfect, it is better than a bath tub looking thing.
We'll stop back after the crowds are gone, water the peony and see how things look, as I get this done right, it will last.

In our world we have to have underground vaults, which are concrete, and  that means the casket won't rot out and the soil collapse, like they used to after a dozen years and have to be filled. I remember that as a kid in filling in plots that sunk. All morbid stuff, but is the reality of dead people in what happened. Gophers get in there, and badgers dig for gophers, and you got bones coming up to the surface in the excavations. That is what beloved Uncle used to do in predator control work. Stick the bones back down the hole and not say anything.

It will look pretty good really, as a distant relative who would not sell us a homestead plot in their house was falling down, died this winter too. His nephews will never be out there to fill in his cavern, which is fine by me in this interim as it makes our work look better and if old Leonard had been civil about shit, I would have filled his grave in too. Is a lesson for all the rich people in what the hell their graves are going to look like, as once the inheritors get the money, that is the last time they will think of taking care of any grave.

Sort of comes down to it, unless we stick my brother in the last plot there, I doubt we will be over there much after this. I spent years taking care of the graves of others who I doubt appreciate it even now and as I have put my time in, it is time for someone else to do the work. We just put in the work this year to not let the assholes have the glory on it, and to expose what assholes they are. Yeah, it also is not a good thing for my name to have a grand canyon grave hole for the mother, as people will notice that shit and it would become a conversation.

I just may salt in too, if my cousins want to kick in for a peony for beloved Uncle  and Grandparents, as we did for sister and the parents here. That way they will know what we have been up to, and know the entire story.

I think that is about it in our tiring day. Lots of politics in cemeteries, but then this is the last hoorah over there.
Damn thing is that it smelled like something dead over there and I just could not figure it out. Hell of deal if it was the mother. She was slight though and will render out in a few months, unlike a fat woman, who would take months buried  underground.

Maybe it was a dead coon some where around there that I could not find.

Nuff Said
