Saturday, May 25, 2019

1973 to 2011: The Mossad Lie of Colonel Khaddafi

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The memoirs of Victor Ostrovsky of Canada offer an insight into how the world is a place of chain linked events which perpetuate murder. The Lame Cherry is going to provide you with a series of events which most of you have forgotten, or never knew, but in the end it had Hillary Clinton cackling over the brutal murder of Colonel Khaddafi of Libya with 50 of his supporters, in another cover up as Americans watched on the ground, and a French assassin on orders from President Nikolas Sarkozy murdered the leader of Libya.

This all starts as all things start in an event before an event, for the PLO invading the 1972 Munich Olympic Games in murdering Jewish athletes and coaches, goes back to earlier Jewish Muslim wars, which goes back to the Rothschilds importing Muslims to the Holy Land, as war is a great diversion for what is really taking place, as profits and control are gained.

In response to the 1972 terror attack at Munich, socialist Prime Minister Golda Mier of Tel Aviv, ordered the Mossad to war against the PLO in retaliation against the group Black September, so named because King Hussein of Jordan chose September to smash the PLO terrorists in Jordan of that month.

The Mossad was busy executing Philistines, when Golda Mier decided it was time for a first meeting with the Pope in Rome. The PLO got word of the meeting and using arms from Yugoslavia, specifically Stellar missiles from Russia, intended to shoot down Mier's plane as it landed.

The assassination was stopped, but the embarrassed Italians were begging the Jews not to let the world know how bad they were at security, so the Jews agreed for leverage, and in this 10 of the 12 Soviet missiles were recovered, and the Jews now having been surprised by Syria and Egypt for the 1973 war due to Mossad being tied up tracking Black September, decided for the cover story, that they would state the Soviet missiles shipped to Egypt, ended up in Libya, and from Libya were car transported by the PLO from Lebanon to Rome.

As the Soviet missiles had serial numbers on them, when the Americans received the data of the missiles and entered it into their computers, it rang up that Colonel Khaddafi was the terror source of the attempted assassination of Golda Mier. The Americans were already intense about Khaddafi in placing naval patrols in Libyan waters, so this only spiked the situation worse.
The fact was Mossad knew it was a lie, and let the lie be fed to the Americans, who then created a greater focus on Colonel Khaddafi who would be struck later by Ronald Reagan in Reagan attempting to take Khaddafi out for being a "bad guy" as time and again Khaddafi was fingered in the coming terrorist events.

Even after 9 11 when the Colonel gave up his nuclear program, and pledged fidelity to George W. Bush, it was not enough, even Khaddafi calling Obama his Muslim son. It would end with Hillary Clinton cackling at the brutal torture and murder of this man, whose main objects in life were using oil revenues to benefit his Libyan people, and large breasted, blonde Eastern European nurses.

Khaddafi was left holding the bag time and again. When a disco in Italy was bombed, it was Khaddafi and President Hafez Assad who were fingered in the Reagan era. But by the next years when HW Bush was targeting Saddam Hussein, suddenly only Khaddafi was the culprit involved in everything, as Assad was suddenly in new cooperation with the United States.

American history has had Tony Blair of the UK, probably feeding Mossad intelligence about Iraq's WMD's to George W. Bush for his tidying up war which his old man blew against Saddam Hussein which started another war, a war which began on 9 11 and had Jews dancing on a roof in New Jersey watching the Twin Towers fall, as they knew it was a war America was going to be fighting for the Jews.

It was all unfair and it is the way things are. The reason these things are posted here is to open your minds to how you are manipulated and lied to constantly by those promoting their own interests, and they never answer for it as Americans continue to die and go bankrupt.

That is the story of Colonel Khaddafi, a man blamed for a  terror event, which he had absolutely had nothing to do with.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The rights for Pan Arabia where Muslims would not be exploited for oil and their lands ended like this and not Make Libya Great Again.

Nuff Said

