Friday, May 17, 2019

Just a Craigslist Threat

Look out ya varmint!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I shop for live traps on Craigslist in knowing I won't ever get any, but I do find some remarkable advertisements, like this one threatening to kill a trap thief at Sioux Falls South  Dakota.
The part pleases me is people are this off the wall yet to threaten to lynch people like the old west.

The thing is, the guy actually put his phone number on the ad. I don't know if he was thinking the trap thief was going to call him up what return the traps and say they are sorry?

Stolen 2 live traps (Sioux Falls)

If I catch you, you will have the same treatment the Racoons get, for being a Theif

As you can see though the lynch posse does not know how to spell raccoons nor how to spell thief when it is in the picture he put up. There is an excuse as the guy is German as Germans always do the EI and not the English IE on everything.

Next up at a place called Maurice, this trapper or trap maker has found a  use for pets. No you do not pet them, but you instead lock them into your live trap, one as bait and one as the bait. The dog looks like it is not amused and the cat is looking like it likes the dog being abused.

Heavy duty live trap - $350 (Maurice)

Heavy duty live trap with live bait cage, big enough for stray dogs, coyotes and fox. These traps are tough as they come. Measurements are 24" wide x 28" tall x 60" long.

I put the measurements up there for my future reference in building a trap like this.

Oh to help the lynchmeister, if you actually stake down your live traps, they can't be stolen. Is simple in using a cable stake, as criminals do not carry cable cutters.

I wonder if the threat is racist or is it a reward, as coons been getting the front seat lately.

I got the snubby pointies

