Friday, May 17, 2019

Make mine a lezbo with a funeral Chaser

Say, you're not two lesbians are you?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, that does not start nor end in a tropic port, but in the schisms of the mind which in my pioneering work in forensic psychology,  this is a story which is normal human misbehavior, but in witnessing it up close it is just so perplexingly abnormal.

The basis of this is the mother and her death. The funeral which my sisters refused to pay any part of or any of the other bills, because they are just small malevolent people. It was at this funeral which something came up from sister #2 pumping me for information, so when people asked her about the subject, she could lie like she had been there all along in taking care of the mother.
It was so unexpected and I was so biding time to just get away from her, that when she started her diatribe and I laughed in her face, I was focused on one part of the diatribe and not another.

The verse of this was , the rich aunt in California with cancer who is sister #2's godmother, and says she will leave her something in the will, was lamenting how much she loved the mother. (The woman had not spoken to her in two years by a Christmas card, had not stopped in anytime in the past 10 years to see the mother, but she apparently loved her.) She also never offered the mother any financial help like the #2.

The story went on about the love she had for the mother, but cancer crank did not like her other sister in laws, because they were jealous of her relationship with her father. Now I knew Grampa about as good as anyone as I sat and listened to his stories which I relished. Grampa always said the older kids made him his money and the younger ones, that would be cancer crank spent it all. He told her  she was the worst cook in the world, which she was, which hurt her feelings and people only made allowances for her, because she was family. I can assure every reader that my godmother who was never around was not jealous of the crank. The other aunt did not like her as of late, but she was not jealous of anything, and the two who were the subjects of this last part in my Uncle's two wives, the ex and the last one, simply were not around. The last one was a reality that Grampa was dead before she showed up in the picture.

OK enough  for California crazy in that part, as this diatribe then degraded into a part two, where the Uncle with the two wives daughter had been talking to #2 in this time, apparently the daughter could talk longer to her than to me. Any way, in that conversation, the second wife had visited here, stayed in a motel with her friend, who is another old woman of 70 plus years, and the daughter showed up, and saw there was only one bed in the room,  and declared the second wife was a lesbian, which #2 was really cranked up about in  absolute fire and brimstone to hell vehement hatred.
Honestly, the old women in this country always slept together when they went places as it was cheaper and they talked all night. That ain't lezbo. That is just reality.

Now what would begin the lezbo? Well the daughter had 3 husbands. Her second was a faggot. He actually lived upstairs or downstairs from the daughter and her kids with his queer. That conclusion probably spot on about the queer leap of judgment as everyone must be queer who shares a room and they are not just cheap old  women.
Now I understand that the second wife who paid off all the debts of my Uncle told the kids that there was not going to be any money after the funeral when they came sniffing around.. There was a great deal of resentment and sore spots in all of that family, but that does not explain the strangeness of my sister going absolutely ape shit hate on the second wife as both Uncle and her treated them well. That is why she phoned them (did not phone me) after the mother died, and then wrote to me about how puzzled she was that sister's husband was not going to let her talk to my sister and how my sister was just cold to her.

Now I know there is shit  load of guilt in those people in having neglected the mother. I could tell at the funeral who was afraid of me and who had heard the lies they were telling about me by their loathing looks. It just baffles me on how the sister arrived at the hate transfer of her self hatred, to be poured out on a woman who did nothing to her. I know these pew sitters like being holier than thou, but they will break bread with the devil often enough if there is money involved.
I know that if the second wife was rich and was leaving the duo in the will, that the lezbo charge would not exist and she would be hating on someone else. It just is one of those things in working up to the, "How could she betray Uncle like that" as an excuse to hating her, hating the second wife because the mother and her got along pretty good and talked a few time a year by phone.

That is the reasonable deduction in this that the hatred for the second wife is she is not a real Cherry and she was getting attention from the mother while the worthless daughters were being ignored. Last time #2 saw the mother alive, was she tracked us down in the thrift shop as her friend had seen us in there. I still appreciate this episode as the mother turned around and walked away and left #2 nattering in insulting TL and myself as she is that kind of a halfwit in making conversation. We finally left too, but the point was made, and both those sisters gleaned the last bit of information they could about the mother and what was going on around here, as they made conversation with people we saw on errands.

I am in a position of I think I will tell the second wife what is going on. I do not want to hurt her, but just so she understands what the hell those  people really are like, and the fact is she is puzzled as hell why she got the silent treatment. I will tell her as near as I can deduce it is about mom and her talking and mom not talking to her worthless daughters who have been trying to put her in the ground for the past 10 years. I will tell her to stay the hell away from them and to give  that Uncle's daughter a wide berth too as she is on a roll of hate too.

This is what I meant by being perplexed in the story of misbehavior makes no sense. There were numbers of things which made no sense until after the fact in that related lot swarmed into mother's sister's house to await the funeral, in order to try and get close to the mother and making it appear they ever cared.
As TL said later, "Yes your sister is a real piece of work in she told your mother's sister, "It was just like Christmas being there". Yes her mother is dead and it felt like Christmas to her".
The reasoning being that we used to go over there on Christmas, but just the same that is what comes out of those people's brains.

So I conclude that this should be a  warning to all old women who have nieces in law, if they go on trips with friends, when the nieces mum goes horizontal the hate speech will come out to unload on. I could think of enough other people to hate on, but this second wife is not one of them. She is a tough cookie and I would not want her pissed off at me, as she just chewed ass on some county supervisor and left them speechless.

I am hoping the world ends and those people end who came out of the same hole I did, as even distance does not help in their causing turmoil in people's lives. I would have thought that their finally putting the mother into the ground that they would be joyous, but the hate remains, and now the guilt, the emptiness is overflowing. That last part suits me in the sewage of the lives they are in satan's own, but it reminds me of mules in you never knew what they would get attached to in a bell mare. With those sisters of mine and their toxic spouses, I never know what in hell they are going to develop a hate for.
I just hope their poison finishes them off sooner than later.

I will probably have a beer with the second wife over that occasion.

Nuff Said
