As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
"It was an attempted coup or an attempted takedown of the president of the United States. It should never ever happen to anybody else, so it's very important."
A mob rule, a Republic, can not stand when the rulers make up the rules to fit the rulers.
I know John Adams close quotes mean shit now in an ignorant world of people with shit for brains, but there is a fact in this that when a nation produces harpies who look too stupid to be trusted with Melania Trump's panty size, warning that the eminent Law Enforcement Officer of the United States in Attorney General William Barr can not be trusted to even read CIA, NSA files is ridiculous, when the Lame Cherry tells you one thing:
In all of those NSA files, CIA files, are hundreds of NSA, CIA agents, hundreds of Russians, Chinese, Terrorists and whatever who already know that information, to be used against the United States, as that is where intelligence comes from in spying, as it is spies data mining other nations with things they know, so America can know with thousands of foreigners knowing what is in the Pissgate Dossier, it really does not carry any weight when two deep state parrots in Evan McMullin and John McGlauglin smear the President and the Attorney General in stating that Attorney General William Barr can not be trusted with that information as it is dangerous that he knows it.
That is a complete deception by these shills from the "intelligence community" as this is the group which had zero problem with a crook like Eric Holder as Attorney General covering up all sorts of treacherous activity by the Clinton and Obama regimes, but when the reality is that we know for certain that British intelligence in MI6, led by Theresa May, was actively part of an organized coup, feeding fraudulent documents to CIA Director John Brennan who has for years been acting like he belongs in a straight jacket, as the Obama inner circle from Susan Rice, John Kelly, James Comey were all reading these files, were handing them over to more incapable people who could not comprehend the Truth from Kurt Eichenwald to Evelyn Farkas to Adam Schiff, and this "intelligence community" has the audacity to smear Attorney General Barr, when reporters from the New York Times and Washington Post were illegally viewing this same information to destroy the will of the American People in the 2016 Presidential election.
It exposes what bullshit is being shoveled.
Former CIA officer Evan McMullin warned that Trump's move "is truly a dangerous abuse of power.""Barr will selectively release sensitive information, as he did with Mueller's report, to shape a favorable narrative for Trump and impede the intelligence community's ability to collect intel on foreign threats."
Former CIA deputy director John McLaughlin called for Congress to thwart the move."Giving Barr declassification authority for this investigation is a really bad idea," he said on Twitter.
The only reason it is a "bad idea" for the Attorney General to have access to this information, is this information will expose the abuse of trust which the American People were subjected to by these operatives.
Just so we get this clear, an "abuse of power" according to this intelligence community is for the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States, the President chosen by the majority of Americans, the Attorney General who was confirmed by the chosen Senate representatives of the People, reading information which hundreds of people already know, and most of them are foreigners.
Just so we get this clear, the days of wetware handing over intelligence to the CIA is long gone. SIGNET as President Jimmy Carter invested in, is where the majority of intelligence comes from as in NSA data mining. This is the wire tapping that President Trump spoke of which was unleashed against him. It is a smokescreen to state that wetware from England, Italy and Tel Aviv are not going to hand over intelligence to Americans, when the fact is, it was these nations whose crooked politicians and agents created the fake dossier on Donald Trump.
These are the same trusted sources which fed George W. Bush the load of shit to start the Gulf War.
It is a necessity in this remnant of America, that America has an Attorney General which she can trust to read files, because those assembling them are using them against the electoral rights of the American People.
The reality that Russiagate proved is that the American intelligence community in it's leadership is a corrupt self serving political group, which can not be trusted to comprehend fake data, who will serve a Birther Obama, over the Constitution of the United States. Those actions are defined as insurrection, usurpation and treason.
The Coup against President Donald Trump is a criminal investigation. Anyone interfering with that investigation, is in violation of obstruction of justice, and that includes those paid shills stating that the Attorney General can not read files and are smearing his reputation.
Generated propaganda which impedes law enforcement is a criminal act and in this, the Attorney General should be convening Grand Juries against these Mockingbird assets, as there was a triad in this coup, in which all 3 legs created one coup:
Foreign fake intelligence
Domestic reception of fake intelligence
Media disseminating this to the people.
John Adams noted that government is only honest and trustworthy when honest and trustworthy people are in it. It is obvious to all that in this coup, that no one was honest or trustworthy, so that requires someone in the Attorney General to read these files and then hand them over to the holders of power in the United States in the American People, Conservative and Liberal.
Only in this, will trust in the system be restored, as this coup was designed to destroy once and for all the trust the American People have in their Government and in the end, each other.
The Attorney General must read and release, just like soldiers lock and load, as read and release is the defense of these disUnited States.
William Barr is the necessary check and the balance of the United States.
Nuff Said