Saturday, June 15, 2019

Donald Trump Could Not Pull Off This Campaign

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As America is facing extinction, democrats are moving to reject the fossilized Bernie Sanders as they are stuck in the tar pit choice of a senile geezer in Joe Biden and the dried up womb of Elizabeth Warren.

This should  be a political warning to the aging Donald Trump, as the Europeans are moving to the vigor of youth. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, the man of the people, has plunged into the sea of humanity in laying on his hands on the people in his campaign.

A glaring reality appears in this, in the contrast, that Donald Trump simply could not pull off a campaign like this, as it requires the vigor of a leader like Sebastian Kurz.

Here are a few photos of the Kurz campaign in action.

Here the Chancellor extols Aryan women 
to volunteer their wombs for his service.

Sabby extols Austrians to keep playing that squeeze box 
like he would.

The Chancellor modestly notes that the 
sausage maker has sausages in his size.

Females across the Motherland volunteer
their wombs for Sebastian Kurz. 

The sweet cougar bootie is all in for September Sabby.

Who else but the vigorous Sebastian Kurz
could offer his semen for all European women.

Only a moral and virginal man could offer to Austrians his manhood as an example to men and his manhood in service to women. Donald Trump after pussy grab and spreading his semen around, could not make such a campaign ever work for him, as his WWE 2016 campaign is a stage act which the public has seen before. Sebastian Kurz is pressing the flesh in Austria in being one of the people for as it was Reagan's Morning in America, it is Sebastian Kurz in Austria,

Morning in the Motherland
Dawn in the Fatherland
