Wednesday, June 5, 2019

President Trump needs a National Hangman

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really believe that President Donald Trump needs to assist Attorney General William Barr in Mr. Barr's attempt to protect America from Praetorian Guard Coups. and I believe it was in an Instagram message from Roger Stone, that the President has his solution, in Roger Stone called for John Brennan to be hanged or hung.


In this, the President needs to appoint a National Hangman. As there are no offices for this, the  National Hangman would not have to face Congressional hearings, and he could get right at his job.

It would be like, the National Hangman would have authority to override all stays and appeals of executions and hang them by sundown that day, once he signed that habeas corpus thing.

I see great potential in this in Roger Stone as  National Hangman could have like Proletariat Powers. Say for example he wanted John Brennan hung or hanged. RS could put the name on the National Appeals site, and if like 10% of the people who voted in the last election, gave the thumbs down, that would be the People's Indictment, trial and sentencing.
Can any of us say that 10 million people signing a petition to hang someone, that this could be wrong, as what is the law, but a group of people indicting someone, another group of people finding them guilty and a judge sentencing them to death. That is Roger Stone and the people doing the down voting.

I think the first trio that Roger Stone could hang would be the 3 C's, in Comey, Clapper and Brennan....sorry that is 2 C's  and B. Anyway, that would start things off right in this framing of Donald Trump and it could be like American Idol or Dancing with the Stars.
I mean Pontius Pilate gave the Jews Barabbas or Jesus as the choice as it was a Jewish tradition to let a mass murderer go free and crucify some innocent guy, so how about for the first Trio, that Roger would trot out John Brennan and Messiah Obama, that is about as close as we are going to get to a messiah, so Roger trots them out, and says, "Who do you want me to execute, this criminal John Brennan or your King of Obama?"

It would be high drama, as I honestly don't know what the public would be screaming for, as Roger was washing his hands of the whole thing. Whoever it was though, it would be real democracy in the people would get to vote on who to hang.

So that is why we need a National Hangman, as people are on edge and Roger Stone could use a job, Donald Trump could use some deck clearing and we could see how it all goes, say after the first 50,000 miscreants that the National Hangman dealt with.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

