Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Why are Democrats Moving to Assassinate Paul Manafort in Prison?

Paul Manafort, the American broken by the Mueller Investigation
to being an old cripple in a wheelchair

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The underlying fury against Paul Manafort is simply murderous, as the two things this man did to infuriate those who wanted the White House in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, was to first invest money from Ukraine, which apparently was supposed to be sent to Bill and Hillary Clinton in the "Weapons Grade Uranium into Electricity" which saw no savings for American consumers in this cheap Russian fuel, and the reality that Paul Manafort was to wrangle delegates at the Republican Convention to seal the nomination for Donald Trump.

What is puzzling in this, is the FBI cleared Manafort on the  Ukraine investment years ago and Manafort failed at wrangling delegates for Donald Trump. Yet these are the issues which are the focus of the fury against Manafort.....or is there another reality in this?

Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman who was sentenced earlier this year to nearly seven years in prison in connection with two federal cases, will be transferred later this week from a minimum security facility in Pennsylvania to New York City’s Rikers Island, a source close to Manafort told Fox News.
A New York State judge ordered the transfer at the request of New York City District Attorney Cy Vance, Jr. He will be held in solitary confinement for his own protection, the source said. The move is expected to happen as early as Thursday.
Vance, a Democrat, said in March that a New York grand jury charged Manafort with 16 counts including residential mortgage fraud, falsifying business records and other charges. He said at the time that “no one is beyond the law in New York.” Manafort cannot be pardoned by President Trump for state crimes.

Paul Manafort was espousing a political idea before Steve Bannon, in receiving money from Russia, and using it to launch Trump type candidates in Europe  and the United States in a neo political union of Nationalists.
This seems to be  what has the Bush family, Clinton family, Obama family, and those controlling groups who sit in board  rooms on an assassination binge against Paul Manafort. That episode of the FBI smashing into his home on a raid, was designed like Hutatree to give the FBI a reason to shoot people. With the Manaforts all that happened with 70 year olds was the FBI was frisking Mrs. Manafort for weapons in her nightgown.

Messages are being sent in this, in the political understory, as this was about key Americans in Roger Stone and Paul Manafort who appeared to be allied to receive funding from Russia for political candidates in the West. It is why they were indicted, and why this circles around Russia, which was only approached for the money and  in most instances framed by Hillary Clinton's assets in Ukraine in Crowdstrike.

The history of this has been simple in the Bush family did their utmost to destroy Conservatives in the GOP. Donald Trump has unleashed the same scorched earth in Chantal Krebs of South Dakota and Roy Moore of Alabama, both sabotaged by Team Trump.
What seems to be  a harmless Manafort liaison in money and politics has gone into the stratosphere of fury by those who had control of the political structures in America and Europe. We recently witnessed Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, as Socialist had a coup run against him, in order to keep Europe Balkanized, again by a Clinton operative from Romania named Silberstein, who had been fracturing politics in the Jewish state, Ukraine and Austria previously.
The situation is though that under Ronald Reagan, the South Korean CIA, in using American contracts funneled money from Rev. Moon to papers like the Washington Times, so what Manafort was engaged in, is nothing knew. Obama took 300 million dollars in fake credit card donations from terrorists in the Mideast and Americans got stuck with the TARP bail out in that action. Yet Obama was not indicted, but Manafort was.

It is all about the  powers that be.

As more of the case histories of the Mueller prove appear, it appears the Mueller investigation was involved with pedophiles, who were caught by the FBI and were squealing like pigs to save themselves, while attempting to framed Eric Prince of Blackwater fame.
George Aref Nader, was pointing to a meeting Prince was supposed to have had with Russians in the Seychelles, but when the pedophilia realities appeared, Prince was not touched and the indictments were sealed against Nader.
Manafort did not have any accusers  who had kiddie porn on their phones, so he is sitting in prison, awaiting his death sentence, by those who are behind this.

In what this blog has only reported here exclusively in  Lame Cherry matter anti matter, there appears to be evidence in this Manafort situation, which is beyond the above, in why the establishment is moving to assassinated Paul Manafort at Rikers Island.

It all goes back to what this blog has stated Robert Mueller was protecting and that is the MISSING LINK, not that Mueller did not know the identity of this person or persons, but that Mueller did, and his investigation was about keeping that name from surfacing. I point to the reality how Mueller's team was pressing Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone for "who they talked to" in Wikileaks. Both state they spoke to no one. When this blog published the search for the Missing Link, Robert  Mueller immediately shut down his investigation, an investigation which was hell bent on this missing link just weeks before.

The thread then continued in Julian Assange was dragged from the Ecuadorian Embassy after a Mike Pence deal, Pence being a Bush philia, and part of all of this, and now Assange is on a death watch too. All of this points to the Missing Link in the last two remaining people who may know of the Link's identity have been placed on a death watch.
That is telling and damning.

To refresh all of this, from published reports Roger Stone took credit for promoting his friend Paul Manafort for Donald Trump's Convention Wrangler slot. Trump's best friend in Thomas Barrack was also promoting Manafort with Barrack's  wife.
There was a heavy buzz in the connected Republican circles that Donald Trump needed this wrangler. As this blog has exclusively shown, Governor John Kasich in his faux big for the White House, deliberately hired all of the wranglers for his failed campaign, leaving only Manafort as a set up choice for Donald Trump.

Yes Manafort was to be the smoking gun to frame Donald Trump on these Russian dossiers being created by Hillary Clinton and  handed to British MI and Theresa may to frame Donald Trump. What is missing in this is Paul Singer, the fag billionaire created by Karl Rove for the Bush family in donations, was backing Marco Rubio, and  Rubio is the person who first hired Fusion GPS in the Pissgate saga. This is the John McCain  link to Pissgate as much as John Podesta for Hillary Clinton. This is Lindsey Graham and the Carolina Mafia, with Nikki Haley.
It would be Singer, and William Krystol's son in law, who would fund the phase of the Fusion GPS dirt file on Donald Trump, as Jeb Bush faded and Marco Rubio would not be his Vice President.
As stated the chatter in these Republican circles was a chorus and they were all using the same phrases and spin words. There was an inner group in  this, but someone of prestige was whispering this idea about Paul Manafort.

It is that whisper in who initiated all of this, who had the prestige and connections to convince Roger Stone, Thomas Barrack and others in this inner circle, which appears to be the death sentence of Paul Manafort, as this is more than making an example of him, those behind this, now that Mueller has gone silent, are making dead certain that Manafort dies in prison, to silence this connection to the Missing Link.
Paul Manafort may not know who initiated this, but he has a finite group like the surviving Rubio, Graham, Barrack group does, and that name or names, will link to the Missing Link, an entity which assassinations are being waged in New York State to protect, so the public will never know.

The democrats of New York which is as much as the Bush Rhino, smugly state that Donald Trump can not pardon Paul Manafort as this is a state crime which Manafort was convicted on. The Lame Cherry though calls upon President Donald Trump to place Paul Manafort into protective custody, in requesting the Attorney General to habeas corpus Mr. Manafort for further federal investigations, with the reality that Mr. Manafort in a secure federal facility is equal to serving time at the notorious Riker's Island.

It is a little too late for this President to lament the murder of Paul Manafort in prison, as he somehow got tangled up in a bed sheet or somehow a 300 pound psychopath found his way into Manafort's isolation cell. For that reason, the charade must be cut, and Paul Manafort must be taken into federal custody as it is in the full scope of the Department of Justice on civil rights statutes to review why the State of New York, is placing a 70 year old man, who has never had a violent crime in his life, is being exposed to the murderous world of New York States worse criminals.

 Perhaps it is time this President shows himself a leader and questions who the Missing Link is, as the sooner this person is known, the sooner that Paul Manafort's life will not be expendable as much as Roger Stone or Julian Assange's.

This group is burning in a #NeverTrumper fury and the innocent must be protected.

The US Marshals must take Paul Manafort into federal custody.

Nuff Said
