Thursday, June 6, 2019

This President needs a Stephen Miller Interdiction

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A few years ago, Rush Hudson Limbaugh used to put on a dripping, wet, spermacide condom on his Golden  EIB Mic for safe talk, provided by his man Beau Snerdly.  After listening to Sir Donald Trump in England, I do believe that he needs a word condom over his mouth, as apparently his Jewish mind  of Stephen Miller can not overcome the Jewish deceptive thoughts of Ivanka, as the President just says ignorant things which are quite foolish and uninformed, on firearms and accessories.

What this has to do is with silencers. Yes we are all experts always on this, as we have watched movies and televisions shows, so we have PHD's in them. The problem is that most of you reading this have no idea that Hollywood has been lying to you all this time.

Let me first ask you this question, 'Does your car make sounds with a muffler on, or is it completely silent?"

Yes you indeed can hear your car, even with a silencer, a suppressor on it, called a muffler. That is all a suppressor is, is something that reduces noise.

Now let the Lame Cherry educate you a further point.

Does your car make more noise when you speed up the engine or when it is at idle?

Yes when your vehicle's engine is running faster it makes more noise, because of the increased speed and burning of fuel.

What this has to do with your lesson in suppressors is, the less powder that your burn, the less  noise a firearm creates. Very elementary.
Now we add your understanding that a firearm is only truly reduced in sound, when the powder charge is so low that the bullet does not break the sound barrier.

Do you remember jets making sonic booms? Yes that is a piece of metal moving faster than the speed of sound so it is noisy. A bullet is exactly like this in it still makes a BANG when the powder charge is full  and the bullet is breaking the speed of sound.

The NRA, American Rifleman magazine once posted  something I believe of an Einstein anomaly with silencers. You have all seen electrical wooden power poles in long distance lines. What was recorded was that even with a silencer, in this test, that if you shot down a row of poles, the bullet would "CRACK" as it past each pole.

So what President Donald Trump has no conception of is physics or correct data on suppressors and he sounds extremely foolish to those who understand the workings of this device.

A suppressor must shoot slow moving bullets to be most effective. The problem with that though is the shooter must be up close or the bullets are not accurate or will not penetrate. A suppressor is not any different than ear plugs, in you can still hear everything with ear plugs as they do not make you deaf. It is the same with a suppressor in all it does  is take the sharpness of  the sound away, not the sound.
In effect a suppressor is a wonderful device to protect the hearing of shooters. It is the same reason vehicles as tractors to motorcycles have mufflers on them, so they do not cause people to go deaf.
My Grandfather was pitch and tone deaf, due to ploughing with an Allis Chalmers which did not have a muffler, as he was too poverty stricken to afford one.

This is how ridiculous Donald Trump is in England, as he might as well ban mufflers on cars, because if cars did not have mufflers, then the police could hear criminals driving up and be ready for them.
Donald Trump might as well ban ear plugs, because people with ear plugs can not hear as well, so they are in increased danger from being run over by trains or police cars with sirens.

Once you are aware of the full details  of suppressors, what they are, how firearms still make noise, and  how a suppressor is not any different than your car muffler, you understand how foolish President Donald Trump is, and  how Stephen Miller really has to prep this President before he says things or types things, or maybe put a piece of Red Green Duct Tape over Donald Trump's mouth. That way he still could answer, people could hear the sounds, but he would not look foolish,  and his words would not be endangering his base support or his legacy, exactly like ear plugs, silencers and mufflers do not endanger anyone.

Oh and you astute children probably have noticed that suppressors are LARGE, and therefore make firearms less concealable for criminals, so perhaps the President should be advocating they be mandatory, instead of foolishly trying to ban them.

Nuff Said

