Friday, September 20, 2019

Death of A Princess

Emily Fazzino's obituary photo, before she met her husband

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I was watching NBC reruns at 1 in the morning of their murder investigation, whatever, they put on, of always beautiful women, who are not beautiful nor lovely, finding themselves murdered and people who get accused of murder who did not commit it.

That was the case of the Iowa Grocery Store Princess, Emily Ann Beckwith Fazzino. 

If you have never heard of this woman, no one has, outside of Boone Iowa, where apparently the Beckwith's are rich in being associated with some grocery store chain, which has the locals all fawning over them, as everyone wanted to marry this rich girl. I saw nothing that pretty about her, but a million dollars makes lots of people attractive.

I will in the Lame Cherry fashion be brutally honest in this and caustic, because  the husband in this, a guy from Kansas City with an Italian family, had his life shredded by the Beckwith Machine and what shows itself in Iowa far too often in the thug police state there. I am not speaking of local law enforcement as they are nice people, but when you get college educated district attorneys looking for a name, state police people who are the "follow orders type" and mix it with rich Iowa power families, a chunky Italian guy does not stand much of a chance.

Emily met Alex Fazzino in Kansas City. In forensic psychology she got out of shit hole Iowa for the big city and away from her parents. After marriage, the parents lured the couple back with promise of employment as a chosen son, but what happened instead, is Alex received an entry level job at the grocery and the parents bought a big house near them, to keep control of both of them.

The couple had 3 children and somewhere along the way Emily became addicted to opiod drugs, and the the husband told her to make a choice of the family or the dope as he was not putting up with it.
What followed was a four day detox at the mother's home, and Emily returning home, to once again become a doper.

What followed that was a definite problem in Emily in a recorded video can be seen slurring her words, showing signs of an almost palsy or stroke, stating she has been drinking, and this degraded to calling 9 11 when the husband tried to leave and remove his possessions, which followed by her filing for full custody of the children to punish her husband, and  his filing for divorce, both living in the house yet, and the night she died.

We only know from the husband parts of this. He was taking care of the children, doing laundry, watching a movie with them, when Emily went upstairs for her nightly bath. 20 minutes later as the movie finished, Alex noted the water was still running in the tub, and went up to investigate.
He found his wife submerged in the tub, the water running.

He removed her from the tub, a most slippery problem, and stated she hit her head. Phoned 9 11, in a panic, and was as a novice moved to try CPR. She was cold. The police arrived on the scene, found Emily blue and unresponsive and EMT arrived, continued efforts, transported  her to the hospital where after further attempts she was pronounced dead.

A  horrid situation, which became worse as the Beckwith's, Emily's family, from the first day started stating that her husband had murdered her. It became quite vile in Emily's sister started  reporting to authorities that Alex was in organized crime and no one left the family alive. No evidence was ever found concerning this, but the pressure from the Beckwith family continued.

The State Examiner was puzzled in Alex stated that Emily had a drug addiction and might have killed herself, but no opiods were found in her system. Thus enters the prosecutors who took an "undetermined" cause of death, found a pathologist in Sioux Falls, South Dakota who ruled it a homicide, and several years later, arrested Alex for first degree murder.
This is what happens when rich powerful families start bitching, local prosecutors start looking to make a name for themselves for higher office, and some out of state son of a bitch gets lynched.

Dr. Michele Catellier listed Fazzino’s manner of death as “undetermined” but favored homicide. Dr. Brad Randall concluded Emily Fazzino was the victim of a homicide.

The problem of the bruises are troubling, but they do not as another pathologist pointed out, do not mean homicide, nor speak from the corpse to reveal what happened.
Emily had like 4 bruises around her head, deep bruising on her throat, for her injuries. We know that one  blow was when her head hit the tub in the husband trying to remove her. The 3 others were there, but again, as no mention of the autopsy point to brain bruising, none of this indicates a murder in someone beating someone else over the head, grabbing them by the throat and then drowning them in the tub.

I would point out also, that there were not any bruising on Alex, nor wounds upon him in defensive scratches in Emily fighting him in a death struggle. Again in forensic psychology, no murderer is going to attack a person in a tub, and then leave the cold water running, so it goes  out of the overflow and the body would be cold. That is a detail which has no purpose as it would add to  the oddity for the police to investigate.

The problem for the prosecution is that even the Sioux Falls flame throwing pathologist even stated the bruise marks on Emily's neck did not fit with a homicide. The bruises appear troubling, but a mystery is troubling, and it is not murder.

Catellier said she considered homicide a possibility but could not rule that way absolutely.
However, Randall said the internal injuries to Emily Fazzino’s neck “do fit very well with a homicide.”

 Compounded in this, was the Iowa pathologist could not determine if Emily drown. That should have been determined in she should have had water in her lungs if she had drown. If not, she had stopped breathing before she submerged. Again, if the bruising on her neck was not from strangulation or restraint, then she was not suffocated before being submerged.
We know for certain there was not any earlier violence that week or in the evening, as Emily was prone to dial 911 and would have used this against her husband to win custody of the children.

In that a nanny, reported that Emily "nodded" when she asked her if Alex would harm her. Again she did not verbally confirm this, and again this fits the forensic psychological pattern of a woman setting her husband up for divorce leverage to obtain full custody of the children.
The Beckwith's are a most controlling family, and have proven will resort to all sorts of subterfuge from Italian mafia smears to the threat of violence from the husband, when not one instance was ever noted.

Alex Fazzino with his defense attorney

Catellier could not, however, say whether Emily Fazzino drowned.
“There are no signs at autopsy that definitely say, ‘Yes, this is a drowning,’” Catellier said. “I can say she might have drowned. Or she might not have. I don’t know,” she added.

It was the toxicology reports which set off the original State investigator, and revealed how inadequate he was for the job in determining death. Emily did not have opiods in her system, and the medical labs actually missed she was on a rehab drug too, along with what was found in a witch's brew of anti depressants and a drug for attention deficit. They were all within legal limits, but there was a defense position which has history which should have been the prevailing reality in this investigation.

Toxicology reports showed some drugs in Emily Fazzino’s system. According to Catellier, Emily Fazzino had been prescribed Adderall for attention deficit disorder, Gabapentin for anxiety and an antidepressant. All were within therapeutic levels or expected ranges, Catellier added.
A second toxicology screening on Emily Fazzino’s liver was requested by Alexander Fazzino’s defense attorneys “a couple of years after the autopsy,” according to Catellier. That test revealed Clonazepam, a drug used to ease addicts through withdrawal.

The reality was that Emily had  tried going cold turkey once before in kicking a dope habit. The finding of the withdrawal drug, Clonazepam, reveals that Emily was going cold turkey again without medical help.

In addition, this blogger in doing a simple search discovered that the ADH  drug, actually causes easy bruising.

In evaluating the evidence, which the Iowa prosecutors, pathologists and the freelance pathologist out of Sioux Falls South Dakota, all of whom should have known better in indicting Alex Fazzino, the events of the night of Emily's death were probably on this time line.

There was friction in the house, and Alex and Emily were not speaking. He was upset in running the household and she was giving the silent treatment to everyone. It was a relief to Alex to have her upstairs, out of the family way and taking a bath, so he would not have to deal with her.

He was staying away from her. When the water was heard running, he was wondering what she was up to now. Human psychology probably had him conclude she was doping again and might have passed out.

What he found was his wife submerged, and people go through numerous thoughts and emotions. Moving a wet, lifeless body is impossible. As an example when my dad died here, I noted the mortician in trying to move the body to the gurney had a flopping dad on his hands, and I later noted a cut and bruise on his  head in the casket. It was not deliberate, but post death marks occur on the body, and  this is what was happening in the time of death of Emily Fazzino.

Scenarios which would fit her death scene, appear that her withdrawal, the drugs she was taking, and the stress in her system  most likely caused a seizure or cardiac arrest. I have no idea if Emily took cold baths or hot baths, but water temperature will cause blood pressure to raise. It is possible she got into the tub, the water was  too hot, she turned on the cold  to cool it off, and in that time, her heart stopped or she stopped breathing in a seizure. She might have convulsed which would account for some of the minor bruising on her  head. As she did not drown, she was dead before she submerged.

The Beckwiths

As for the bruising on her throat, the medications she was on caused easy bruising. Alex was  not adept at CPR, and moving a body in panic. He might have in attempting to clear the air way and do mouth to mouth, caused the bruising on the neck.
We know the police officer attempted CPR. the EMT's did,  and the people at the hospital. That is four people who handled this woman's neck, in a strong manner as heads are heavy and the dead uncooperative. The injuries which Emily received appear to be combined rescue injuries and they add up to troubling evidence, but when explained, they are not homicide as the jurors in Iowa rightly concluded.

In forensic psychology, when Alex Fazzino was remembering that night, and the reporter from NBC asked if he had anything to do with her death, he looked up and to the side. This is deception, but memory. It is possible he felt guilt in thinking he could have done something more, perhaps committing her, but if he had attempted that, he would have been fired and lost his job by the powerful Beckwith family. In most instances, people faced with impossible situations, trade off on events to protect themselves as it would mean their living and lives being at risk.

There was not any evidence of murder in this. This case should never have been brought to trial. What it was, was a situation of rich and powerful people, along with powerful law enforcement attempting to compensate. The Beckwith family for covering up Emily's problems for their image which did lead to her life degrading and to her death, and the state hearing the whispers and knowing that prosecuting would make a name for themselves in nowhere Iowa and move them to somewhere Iowa.

There were many flawed people in this, and everyone made mistakes, starting with Emily who betrayed her husband and children for drugs, which fogged her world of reality which convinced this 30 something princess that she was not the princess her parents and community lied to her about.

I would hope in this, that the Beckwith's would make amends to their son in law. His daughter and their granddaughter was treated for cancer during all of this. They should set up a trust fund for these three children, under the conditions that they must remain moral, law abiding and accomplished citizens to obtain that trust of provision for their future. They should know that money destroys people as they destroyed themselves with money, their daughters and almost obliterated an innocent man by just being vindictive and controlling.

The Beckwith's need to do good things from this point on, as doing bad things has created the emptiness which was already built in them. They need to stay at a distance from Emily's children, but help in the only way they can, in apologizing to Alex, so all of their healing can begin, because Emily was a flawed person like all people, and placing her on a pedestal was a height she threw herself from, in first moving to Kansas City, and then moving back to Iowa.

Alex Fazzino has shown restraint, as my impulse in being so unjustly railroaded would have been to sue the prosecutors, that Sioux Falls  pathologist and the Beckwiths for ruining his life. Iowa juries seem prone to not liking their rich and powerful lords and would have awarded Alex a fortune. He did what was  right though and moved to Kansas and tried to put his life back together for his children's sake.

That is the true testimony in this, in flawed people. When Alex Fazzino was pushed past his limits, he did not lash out. The Beckwith's when pushed created ways to continue on the destruction to amplify it.

Few people can handle money. No one can handle narcotics. Together with glory whore police state officials produces a lethal mix which destroys innocent lives.

Nuff Said
