Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Mother of all Measuring Spoons

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A couple of weeks ago, I was rummaging around in the box of kitchen stuff in the thrift, and I came across these little skillet looking measuring spoons. I have a pile of them. In fact, I think I have every child's Easy Bake Oven measuring spoon kit that was every sold here. These though were heavy and TL said  to get them for 40 cents.

I tried them out today for baking cinnamon rolls and I was really impressed. Impressed enough to see that China was stamped on the back and I think it is the only thing of quality to ever come out of the communist regime.

I recommend these spoons as the handles are long, they are very stout, great weight to them, and being flat on the bottom, they do not wobble like other measuring spoons. It is odd in that the Chinese have shit for everything. I mean Woks are just foolish, but I use mine with great effect for stir fry, but what I really like is something I can not afford is a Wok Shovel. I have a cheap ass thing with holes in it, that is flat bottom, and used for deep frying, but it is not a shovel, and you need a shovel for Wok cooking. In that, the shovel is the only other invention to come out of China, and it had to be invented to deal with that stupid Wok.

The only Wok I like is my  cast iron one, and I French Fry stuff in that,.

This is not long in the great attributes of a  the mother of all measuring spoons, but I was impressed enough with this Chinese contraption to feature it here. I have round ones, I have rectangular ones, but the one which impresses me most now is this skillet set. It makes sense as skillets work great so why not make them into measuring spoons.

Checking out.

Nuff Said
