Thursday, February 27, 2020

Cancer Ate My Rush Limbaugh Monologue

Can I have some of Limbaugh's CIA funding......


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well, the vegetative state of Rush Limbaugh's brain continues, in he is now blaming the media for lying about what he said.

The Media Is Lying About What I Said on the Coronavirus

The fact is, Rush Limbaugh stated, and I pulled the QUOTES FROM HIS OWN WEBSITE OF HIS OWN BROADCAST, that Coronavirus was the common cold and there was absolutely nothing to fear.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Rush Limbaugh Assures Nation "Coronavirus is the Common Cold"

Rush Limbaugh being caught stating things, which indicate the cancer treatment he is undergoing has clouded his ability to process information, has now gone into slash and burn, in hiding behind the line that the dog ate his homework. It is not Rush Limbaugh exposed as incompetent intellectually as he is treated for cancer, but it is the MEDIA'S FAULT FOR REPORTING THE FOOLISH THINGS HE SAID.

None of this helps President Donald Trump, who awarded Limbaugh a Presidential Freedom Medal, which disgustingly in Limbaugh's cover up, Limbaugh is posting photos of him at the State of the Union, as Limbaugh tries now to hide behind the President for his mistakes.
The President has enough problems with his advisors sabotaging him, without Limbaugh sounding nuts.

It degrades worse, as Rush Limbaugh had to try and change the subject from the things he said incorrectly to his now using cancer to gain sympathy and wag the dog.

An Update on My Health and Treatment - The Rush Limbaugh Show   eib 

Rush Limbaugh has been a disaster for President Donald Trump. What was a brilliant political strategy by the President to cater favor with the few Limbaugh listeners, has now plumed into Limbaugh being ridiculous because his brain is not processing information due to Chemo Senility, and this is making it worse for the President to deal with this pandemic.

Limbaugh plagiarized this blog and other people, including his listeners in using their letters as content. For the sake of President Donald Trump, the Lame Cherry suggests that the President discreetly ask Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly to produce scripts for Rush Limbaugh to read, to keep him on the reservation, as if he keeps going goofy and playing the cancer card, his lovely daughter he married is not going to have anything of a franchise to inherit.

If Limbaugh pays me the 13 million plus interest he owes for plagiarizing I would agree to his using the content here as filler, and would not require any mention it is from this blog. Otherwise, the President has to save his campaign from Limbaugh's Chemo Senility as one day Corona is the common cold, the next it is a Commie Plot, the next it is the Media is lying about what Limbaugh said, and the next it is "Don't convict me because I have cancer".

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

