Thursday, February 27, 2020

Mr. President Order The ReQuarantine of the Quarantined Immediately

Mike are you sure you know how to operate that mask?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog is disgusted with the majority of thee American People who are not taking this Coronavirus epidemic serious, as by the lack of reviews in posts explaining the necessity of a crackdown to stop the spread of Coronavirus inside the United States, and the reality that  the newest case in California is certain now to be from two factors:

Factor 1: This person was infected by the group of 19 who were released by the CDC which were evacuated out of China.

Factor 2:This person was infected by a healthcare worker, who did not report they contracted the virus from the China evacuees.

President Donald Trump has show complete lack of leadership in this. His focus has been on Wall Street profits and is being outmaneuvered by Nancy Pelosi and democrats in this. This is Donald Trump's Waterloo and he made it.

I will continue to make suggestions for this President, for the sake of thee American People, but he is dealing with children who are self centered asstards who will not take responsibility for their actions, and will blame him for not taking action and blame him for taking action.

Germany announced today, the spread there is out of control and will not be contained, exactly as this blog stated the main outbreak would occur in Europe to create a new order, as that is what this is all related to.
As there is no information beyond "Italians" contracting the epidemic, we still do not know if this is in the Saxon population, or Israelite, or if it is outlier genus groups, or if these groups are short term deliberate infections.

The infection chains are partially no longer trackable, and that is a new thing,” Spahn said on Tuesday. “Large numbers of people have had contact with the patients, and that is a big change to the 16 patients we had until now where the chain could be traced back to the origin in China.”

 I firmly believe these stupid Italians and Iranians, were targeted using Interpol visa tracking, and in China were infected by bottled water deliberately, to return to their pods to make clusters, for political reasons.

As for the Untied States, this blog calls for the March Madness NCAA to be cancelled. This is America's Chinese Lunar New Year, and it will spread this virus.

I doubt the President has the leadership to undertake this, in placing the Germ Lord in charge in Mike Pence, who then will fall on the sword, be blamed and Nikki Haley will be placed on the GOP ticket for November, so I suggest other realities.

The Germ Lord must put into effect MANDATORY GUIDELINES, in effect, ALL VENDORS WHO PRODUCE SPORTING, POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS and other gatherings must require people bring their own high quality surgical masks, WHICH MUST BE WORN UPON ENTRANCE, or those masks will be for sale outside the events.
This means Trump Rallies and Democratic Campaign stops will all have to have masks.

Australian govt activates its Virus pandemic plan

In order to enforce this, the people putting on the event will be legally responsible and criminally prosecute if anyone contracts Coronavirus at their event. That means they cover all medical costs.

Korea is now threatening prison for possible
coronavirus patients who break #quarantine


Just as Iran and China are shutting down their gatherings, the United States must shut down ever event, and if there is not that kind of leadership, then the requirement is for a mask at mass gatherings.

If Donald Trump wills to show some leadership, the advisors who engaged in this virus spread, must be fired and their termination made public. The President keeps these criminals around, and he will be blamed for all of this. He needs to start thinking politically to protect himself, and shift the blame as it should be shifted, or his children are going to have mass tantrums.

CDC Pandemic Warning - Prepare for School
Closings and Public Event Cancellations


Furthermore, those 19 people and California healthcare people must be all quarantined immediately. I again call for that Hawaiian Island which has the leper colony on it, to isolate it, to be turned into an offshore quarantine where every person will be evacuated who is suspected for 6 months, and not released until it is absolutely certain, that they are not Typhoid Mary carriers for the rest of their lives.

Lastly, President Donald Trump has to stop lying to Americans. The racial identities of the sick are a matter of public health issue now. If this is Chinese with outliers, the public has the right to that information. This placing the public's health at risk for Wall Street or protecting some group will bring the genocide of the world.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
