Friday, February 28, 2020

Taking Corona Stock

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As President Donald Trump continues to follow Goldman Sachs Mnuchin bad advice as much as his other tit sucking advisers provide to milk the Trump cow, the Lame Cherry will explain a reality about the Stock Market in why it is falling.

WaPost - Trump Told Advisers He Doesn't Want To
Do Anything Or Say Anything Much About CoViD Pandemic
That Could Further Harm The Markets...And His Reelection

Just as the cartel committee utilizes Beaners and Blacks to harvest illegal narcotic's funds from rich white kids trolling the ghetto, to the sum of 1 to 3 million dollars per month on their street corners, which are then laundered through franchises, into Wall Street, the Chicoms since the era of Bill Clinton have been dumping massive amounts of funding into American stocks in order to provide espionage doors for Peking.

See the traitors in New York City know all about his illegal money laundering, but it is the police state which looks the other way, because the police state is owned by those making these profits.
The PLA is adept at making certain their agents are hired by colleges, Facebook, and American industry to secure American technology, in exchange for this espionage.

The stock market took a hit Monday and so did lots of Americans’ 401(k)s. But at times like these, investment advisers suggest people keep their cool.

When these Bush fam moneychangers, as it was George HW Bush who created the monster of China, and their dark son, Birther Hussein Obama, who allowed Harvard to build the Wuhan Germ Lab which started the chain of events into motion, note that all of the ports in China have not been loading or offloading cargo for 2 months, they understand the reality of China.
They understand when  China stops purchasing commodities in copper, it means Chinese manufacture has ceased. They realize when China stops buying oil, that China has been in the Trump Trade War, crippled in their outflow has only been allowed by their cash in flow, that is how close to bankruptcy China has been operating as they absorbed the Obama Super Depression.

China has been operating a shell game in banking as this blog has exposed. Chinese banks would loan money on a warehouse goods, but those goods often were collateral on several other loans, and would soon disappear. The Chicom economy is a paper tiger and with Coronavirus Wuhan raging through China, the deadliest element in this is, that China's export and import has ceased, and into that, the money that Peking has been laundering into America through all those Chinese sweatshops is stopped.

There are two reasons for this:

China does not have any exchange in raise money.

China no longer has couriers bringing in cash on flights into America, as Donald Trump shut those contact points down.

The end result is Goldman Sachs understands that the cash cow of China is dead.

The reaction of the President in keeping silent, reveals how perilous the stock market is. If Americans with 401k's begin withdrawing their investments now getting smaller by their retirement day, this will drive the markets past the ability of the Treasury to dump enough money to the markets to keep them stabilized.
 It is noteworthy that Steve Mnuchin of Treasury has not moved to pump the market to maintain the highs. That signals that Goldman the swindler investment house for the elite, is preparing for a much greater degradation.
Inquiry is trending to a market of 11,000 points from this Coronavirus Wuhan. Inquiry is not indicating quarantines, but there is an exodus indicated by a specific genus group.

President Donald Trump has to sit down with Americans and assure them. He does not need cheering thousands in India, he needs Americans trusting him in the greatest test of his presidency

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
