Monday, March 2, 2020

President States Nations Will Die Over Coronavirus

The Vice President of course is sleeping as he knows who is going to die from Corona.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have not had the time, bandwidth, money nor inclination to review the work of Reverse Speech Expert, David John Oates, but I would offer that you listen to the link below on Gaytube, as you are going to have a reality soak into you, which should sober those who are not taking the Coronavirus serious.

Jeff & David Oates
SHOCKING CoViD Speech Reversals On CDC & Trump

Rod Rosenstein's sister, is the spokesjew for the CDC and Oates reverses her a number of times. To put it bluntly, they know that this is a pandemic, they know it has spread, and in one portion she refers to Americans as "slime of the city". There is real contempt from this person for Americans.

What the overall feeling of President Donald Trump is, he knows this is all a lie, they are trying to suppress a panic, and what summed it all up is, he knows the sick are going to die as he says they are being given over to God, and in one portion he is speaking of the nations he is dealing with, and this is important to understand, as the President is speaking of NATIONS, and he states, Some are going to die.

The President has intelligence information which is precise, that the projections are certain, that some nations are going to die, they are going to cease to exist as nations, they are going to experience such a rate of death in such numbers, that it will be genocide. Entire peoples are going to be swept away.

What this blog focuses on though is as I have stated, the United States was not behind this. The President almost seems in the dark about this, as he focuses on what the pandemic will do, not about viral escapes or contamination. He appears to not have the whole picture, only what he has been told. That is different from the sister of Rosenstein who views this as a necessary culling operation that is being played out. In both cases, neither speak of this in terms of being in control, so that means they appear to both understand that the control of this virus is in the hands of some other power.

If one projects this, the most powerful man in the world, almost appears to be playing a part in ignorance that something is being worked out here. He is not voicing it in geopolitical terms though as he should as this blog has in removing Iran and China will produce an American strengthening. Instead he seems to know America is about to be crippled, but there is not any reversals about retaliation against those who are behind this biological weapon.

If I can come upon more of Mr. Oates work in time, I will feature whatever revelations are pertinent, again being a poor orphan has it's disadvantages as most of you are going to soon discover, as Rosenstein's sister over a week ago, was already speaking of community spread, meaning non Chinese, but instead domestic spread of the virus.

I would suggest you lay in food, disinfectants, toilet paper, yesterday, and stop unnecessary travel. I think most of you reading this are in a genus group which I have explained is beneficial. You must understand though that once this hits a location, the police are not going to be protecting you from others taking your things, the police will be on shoot to kill orders, as they are not going to deal with coming into contact with sick people.

For a number of you reading this, you are in clinical safe zones, meaning you have degrees of separation from outliers. Outliers are idiots who have to fly to Match Madness games, go on trips, have friends from out of city over. That is how hot spots or clusters will appear, when not deliberately created. An idiot will become infected, be a shedder and spread the virus and a ground zero will take place. That is how a number of remote locations will have problems crop up, due to outliers. These chances increase with being near national airports, interstate highways, distribution centers and colleges.

TL mentioned the locals here were avoiding the Mexicans last week. Apparently not having these goddamn pets around is starting to soak into these idiots who thought it was a joy.

I am certain that I will have more posts. As an afterthought, today I splurged in purchasing a supply of vitamins and minerals. In the fevers that accompany Corona, necessary minerals as magnesium and potassium are removed from the body by drinking a great deal of fluid. It is a good idea to provide for your body's needs or you will drop dead in the street like the Chinese have.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
