As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Thee only reason to engage in the following misbehavior is to spread the Coronavirus to certain groups, which you are not a part of, or you have access to a vaccine and are safe from this contagion.
Egomaniacal Trump Fears Losing His Rallies And
Pronounces It To Be Perfectly Safe to Hold Large
Events - Like His Cult Meetings - Amid CoViD
This blog has warned what the effects of the NCAA March Madness will be. This blog notes that Oregon, Washington and California have had widespread shedding infecting numbers of people on the West Coast. These carriers when they get loose in college basketball arenas will infect 50,000 people in several hours.
Trudeau of Canada must have the same access to knowledge he will not get this virus or he has a vaccine already.
'They're Flying It In!' - Canadians Furious At Trudeau As
Govt Refuses To Stop Travelers Flying In From Iran
And Mainland China, Too!
America will be facing very soon the same 50% doubling of Coronavirus which Italy is.
Italy coronavirus cases jump 50% In One day
amid fears of broader contagion across Europe
If Donald Trump has certain information that Coronavirus will not kill his kind of people in German Scot decent and Justin Trudeau has information that Coronavirus will not kill his kind of people in the French, then should they not share this with the American and Canadian peoples, as they are engaged in either national genocidal conduct or they know something which has only been hinted at in this blog.
Thee alternative is the President is holding rallies knowing he will infect and kill off all his voters before the November elections.
There has to be a reason of his actions as they are not logical in the view of the published facts of numbers of dead, the infection rate and the danger of a pandemic based on a biological weapon.
Monday, March 2, 2020
President States Nations Will Die Over Coronavirus
Nuff Said