Friday, March 13, 2020

Time will Tell

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Dreams are odd things, as they always mean things. Sometimes it is just processing information, and other times they are insights, and sometimes they are prophetic.

This morning I had a dream which was one that has me wondering what I picked up on, as in dreams, you do sometimes plug into currents of other people's lives that you have never met, as time lines cross.

The story was based in my home, but it was from before as the furniture was arranged from years ago. Who should come in but George W. Bush, who laid down on the couch, and he was friendly and we had a half our long chat. It was odd that I knew we spoke for a half hour.

Then he got up to leave, and had this huge wet spot, in he had pissed his jeans, yes bluejeans. Two people came in to help him, but his left side was paralyzed, and they could not move him, I was just observing which is odd for me. The impression I got was they removed him, and he died.

That is what is odd in this, I wonder if this was my evil uncle, and the laying down was what my old man always did. What made me wonder was why it was W in the role, in, is his time running out, did I pick up something from my old man in hell, are time lines meshed at this point in the matrix which I picked up, so many questions and here am I not going to inquire.

I am certain that I have not been thinking or writing on Bush fam, so why W appeared is what makes me wonder what is in the coming time line that he was in this dream, I sincerely hope the feature is my evil uncle, and the reason the old man overlaid in this, was I was picking up something he is ready for to great his horrid brother in hell.

I do not believe it was just a dream as there were other phases of it, and things going on, which I really do not remember, like three names written on some cloth and probably later events as the dream shifted.

I do think W looks like hell, in he really has aged. I thought in the time line he was going to die years ago. Is thing about death, in like the evil uncle he is always dying in the time line, and has a 40% chance this week. The other evil uncle was interesting in I actually 8 months out saw the day he was going to die, and that is when he died. Odd things was they were to revive him, and he would have lived a few days more and then died. They did not revive, so the first date was the day he went horizontal.

Just making a record of it here for my records. I hope the uncle is departing, as that would provide closure in he will not be doing any more heinous things in this life or the next.

Time will reveal all what dreams in figurative only hint at.

Nuff Said
