Friday, March 13, 2020

Typhoid Rudy: The Black Coronavirus Plague

wanna lick my balls bro?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is nothing more dumbass stupid than an black Obama voter thinking, because from Colin Kapernick or whatever that American hater is named to the new poster boy of Obama stupid in Rudy Gobert, thinking that them white folk are afraid like Trump and a black man can lick media equipment..........AND THEN COME DOWN WITH CORONAVIRUS, exposes the Obama arrogance of this all.

There is something more in this which this blog will explain, but first we need to review that it was Barack Hussein Obama, who put Africans with EBOLA into a new pandemic center, not on some isolated island, but in downtown Omaha Nebraska in White Protestant America, just like Obama flooded out Republican states and Obama gushed oil all over Republican Gulf states, because as Mark Halprin said, "Obama don't care about those people, because they didn't vote for him!"

So in all of this Black Lives Matter, where Donald Trump is protecting blacks, blacks instead are protesting Donald Trump, and what better way than to show up Donald Trump than to mock Coronavirus by licking media equipment.

Oh but it gets better in Rudy Gobert, the Obama voter, who created a new catastrophe gave away his Coronavirus drenched clothes to children, to infect them with the plague too.

Yes everyone can be tough like Snoop Dog or Obama Dog, and then the real world bites you in the ass. Yes there is nothing like Rudy Gobert destroying the National Basketball Association. Nothing like it at all, as with the Utah Jazz now all in quarantine, there will be no NBA games.
But then, you remember the great LeBron James who was not going to play to empty seats......that was before the NBA stated he was under contract to play wherever they said, if he broke his contract they would sue him down to every jockstrap he has.

Rich blacks discovering that being uppity does have a price.

What price is the life of a child. I wonder how the Jewish owners of the NBA weigh this in the balances of, is the life of a child worth more or less than an NBA franchise?

USA Today

  So Rudy Gobert, infected another rich black, and has probably infected the entire team, their families and every little white girl who was Kobe Bryant raped.

But in Obamaland, an apology makes everything right by Rudy Gobert. All those media people whose equipment he infected and will be in quarantine, all those children, all those fans in the arena he was puffing on for 3 hours, all the NBA rich Jews, all the people of the charter airlines as Rudy Gobert has been infectious for days.

After all this racist entertainment, in reminding everyone that Barack Hussein Obama's holdovers brought Coronavirus into the United States, and it was Obama who created the pandemic center in thee American Heartland, that it was Barack Obama's Harvard Jewish professor who created the Wuhan bio weapons lab under Hillary Clinton, as she signs off on all transactions and it was Obama who allowed this Chinese espionage, that the color of Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell is now a factor.

Up until this time, it was genus groups of China, Iran and Italy who had challenged the global order with the Jews who were contracting this pandemic. People wondered why there were no cases of Africans, as they were thought to be immune, especially the American Afroid being a hybrid cross of two species, and Rudy Gobert has changed all of this, and more importantly, Rudy Gobert is not an outlier, an infection anomaly, but he is a gap jumper, because Rudy Gobert has a strain of Coronavirus which makes him Typhoid Rudy, the carrier whois going to kill or cripple 21% of the Black population of the world.

This paradigm change has changed a great deal, as a species thought immune and arrogant enough to lick cameras is now a species  with an immensely high infection rate.

The projection of this, compliments the early publication of this blog that key areas of Africa would be cropped for colonial control. The American Negro is a equatorial coastal African. Not all species are the same, in the extension of the Negroid group. What we will soon learn is if there are genus specific virus created or if one Coronanegroid virus fits all.

These appear to be S strain transmissions, which only produce a 15% critical care result. Ghetto blacks will not have the medical care that Obama blacks will. Rudy Gobert has changed.
I have been watching the results out of Spain. It is reaching pandemic there. What was viewed in the original paradigm of a Hispanic solution, appears to now be building.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
