Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Coronavirus Eats Your Brains

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I watch threads online and lament what Rush Limbaugh's propaganda did to frightened people on the right, as they simply will not believe that Coronavirus is a threat, and keep saying the flu is worse. These people in denial are a plague to society as they are fixated on preacher's exposing their deluded followers to the virus as a Rights Issue, instead of the issue being in protecting the population.

TL came across a most interesting study out of Detroit, in which a case was found at the Ford group of cytokine storm syndrome, or the reality that Coronavirus has done in the lungs is doing the same in some brains. The layman's explanation is Corona destroys the blood brain barrier, in it is causing bleeding, and in this bleeding the brain is rotting, and the body is responding by immune response to eating the brain, as it eats lung tissue.

Radiology Publishes First Case of COVID-19 Encephalopathy | Imaging Technology News 

COVID-19–associated Acute Hemorrhagic Necrotizing Encephalopathy: CT and MRI Features | Radiology  

As the brain does not produce mucous or snot, it is producing a fluid, and this fluid is being attacked.

What is of further interest in this is, Corona has been affecting neurology also in cases, as much as the brain. This can be the clue that perhaps it is not sugars, minerals which are being depleted in why some people are dropping over dead, but it may be the silent killer is Coronavirus is infecting the area of the brain or heart which produces or receives the electronic signals for life.

I am going to give you a link to a wonderful data site which is tracking Coronavirus Wuhan. You will notice that regimes in China, Turkey and Iran are almost virus free. This comes on report that China was shutting the country down again, but it only had 5 cases. China lies and the Chinese are Ian Punnett liars.

As of this date, France has reached a horrific infection and death rate. It is difficult to assess some data as some nations are not testing. The United States is entering it's symptomatic phase after 2 weeks of infection and incubation. The numbers will rise as America is 50 nations as one, meaning each State will peak and plateau in it's own time line. I fully expect the American numbers to elevate in the summer due to Mexican infections spiking.
At this report, Mexico only had 13 more cases, which is due to the fact that they are not testing and you have to be foaming out of the ass before Mexico admits they have an infected case.

 Coronavirus Statistics

This Coronavirus is a most thorough biological weapon. It is akin to all viruses as that is what part of it is, in it will infect the brain, spinal column and other areas. What is of interest was a report of a man with Coronavirus, going insane and biting a woman to death. That type of brain dementia and madness has not yet been chronicled as worst case are in hospital beds not being able to breath, that kind of madness is akin to rabies, and this virus does get into the brain.

I believe I will call this new Coronavirus Madness in the Zombie brain being eaten by white blood cells, as the Corobama Syndrome, wedding Coronavirus of Obama Harvard Labs to Birther Hussein Obama in the madness he created in deluded followers.

Fascinating things in a brain madness from Coronavirus.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

