Monday, April 6, 2020

Coronavirus is damaging Heart Muscle like Scarlet Fever

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is just an update and I will probably mention more on it later, but this blog first posted on Coronavirus Wuhan killing people in the streets in their heart stopping.
I had thought maybe due to high fever, necessary minerals were depleted, but the new evidence is that it must be the ACE2 proteins  that are in parts of the body from testicles to lungs, are in the heart, and this is what is being damaged, and is killing people.

In addition to lung damage, many COVID-19 patients are also developing heart problems — and dying of cardiac arrest.
As more data comes in from China and Italy, as well as Washington state and New York, more cardiac experts are coming to believe the COVID-19 virus can infect the heart muscle. An initial study found cardiac damage in as many as 1 in 5 patients, leading to heart failure and death even among those who show no signs of respiratory distress.

I will mention that the South Dakota senator, his cousin dropped dead, from Coronavirus. This was the heart stopping, and is part of this L strain which is not being addressed as this virus is capable for frying different parts of the body.

Dr. Brix warned EVERYONE to stay home from this point for the next 2 weeks. Do not be lured out by falling death numbers, as it is infections which are the focus. No shopping and no nothing according to Brix.
The idiot crews are mocking the models, but these bozos are not factoring in the silent S strain which numbers of people who are shedders are inoculating the population with. The models were right, and the drop is due to the inoculations of S strain, and will drop further when Chloroquine is in full use.

- Anti-malaria drugs have demonstrated effectiveness in the coronavirus treatment, but they are not lifesavers Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said.
"They [anti-malaria drugs] have proven to be quite effective, but they do not always save lives", Murashko said, as aired on "Pozner" show on Pervyi channel.
According to the minister, a lot depends on the stage at which the treatment started.

The drugs have to get into the people before they become the walking dead.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
