Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Diagnosed: Joe Biden has Chronic Alzheimers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Watch the digital clip of Joe Biden in this CNBC feed. Pay attention to Biden blinking. He blinks around 13 times in 4 seconds. The reason a human blinks, is due to a new thought.

Joe Biden is blinking 3 times a second, meaning his mind is having to refocus on a new word or he is having to refocus his thoughts on one main point, to form a sequence of words. What you do naturally with 1 to 4 sentences in explaining your thoughts, in blinking once, Joe Biden is struggling to keep his attention focused, second by second.

This is forensic definitive proof that Joe Biden has severe brain degradation.

Jill Biden is responsible for this as she is well aware of how bad this situation is. Joe Biden is struggling. He can not maintain a thought as he says he is going to defeat Joe Biden.

Joe Biden should no more be President than trusted with a grandchild.

Nuff Said
