Tuesday, May 26, 2020

LESBIAN SCORNED: Take two Pussies and call Ann in the Morning

...are my measurements, and my vulva weighs a feathery, 22 ounces.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My goodness, what do we make of this.

There is deep state Ann Coulter with the starved to death pussy, as everyone knows when a woman is that skinny, that a pussy is always unhappy in chafing to the dildo and rubbed sore thonger undies. Yes a fat pussy is a happy pussy, and Ann Coulter is one unhappy cunt.

Coulter Unloads On Trump - Calls Him 'Most Disloyal, Actual
Retard' Ever To Be President - Adds That He Is A 'Blithering
Idiot' A 'Moron' And 'Lout' And Regrets Once Believing In
'This Shallow And Broken Man' And All Of HIs Promises

You may remember that Ann Coulter, mocked all Republicans, Conservatives and Christians for not believing the communist Chinese liars, that Coronavirus Wuhan did not come out a bat's ass. Coulter went really deep state, was exposed as a complete intellectual fraud, or more to the point, she has no idea what microbiology is, as she probably thinks it is something to do with midgets having bi sexual relations.

Now though Coulter has struck again, the Log Cabin Lezbo scorned. She is on a Trump hate, and after all she did for Donald Trump in, going on Bill Mahr one time, and being laughed at for saying Trump would be President. Never mind Ann was told to do this from those on the inside, as any woman who thinks a bioweapon comes out of a bat's ass, is just sucking on the wrong end of the whore's 30 pieces of silver.

What Ann is raging about in lesbo fumes if Donald Trump is not taking her calls. You know she said she wanted to be Attorney General and Donald Trump was not going to be deluded grandly in having this flaky female around.
Do any of you think if Ann Coulter was AG that she would have been bright enough to have appointed US Attorney John Durham to get to the bottom of Russiagate? The DOJ would have been a disaster, even larger than when Jeff Sessions decided to hide under his bed. By Coulter's phone calls not being returned by the President, she probably would have indicted Donald Trump for having orange hair.

Lord, every man can hear in Ann Coulter the screaming messages and ranting phone calls of that weird girl they dated, and discovered too late she was a psycho, who simply would not let go.
One can not though take Coulter seriously as stooping to the words "retard, idiot, moron, lout" are what hormone females  resort to like wives with PMS at that time of the month always accusing the hapless sucker that "he is just like his mother".

If anything in this Coronavirus plague, Donald Trump has proven that he is not shallow nor broken. He brought a business model to this plague, took bold steps and is still taking bold directions. He is far more astute than Lincoln ever was, is less pompous than Woodrow Wilson and is not conniving as Franklin Roosevelt. Donald Trump actually does not hold grudges as Obama did, in Obama would let people die from oil spills, floods and plague if they did not vote for him, Donald Trump actually treats everyone with the same treatment.

So Ann Coulter has her thong in a knot, apparently she has been rebuffed as unnecessary this time around in 2020. She probably sees that pretty and intelligence White House Press Babe mopping the floor with liberals, and thinks she could be that girl, and called up someone to tell Trump that Ann was ready for her close up.
Trump knows who pays Ann Coulter's bills. He has marginalized all the trolls like Ben Shapiro and that Jonah Goldberg who can only sit by the hole and howl coyote style. Like Lincoln though, it has taken Trump 3 years to clean out the duplicitous in his sphere.

Ann Coulter just gives lesbians a bad name. After Rosie O'Donnell bit it, and that odd Debra Messing, lesbians have had enough  to deal with, but here comes Ann after her magic bat ass tirade against the right, joining fatty Meghan McCain in not liking Donald Trump. It is amazing how many fat ugly women do not like Donald Trump and have jumped onto the Joe Biden train.

I seem to remember the good olde days when Sean Penn had his Ann Coulter doll and was burning her pussy in effigy like the commie nut he was, and telling people he did things like that. Robin Wright must have had some interesting sex with him, but now Ann Coulter is the one with the lit cig smoking it out of her pussy and blowing the flames at the President.

What really has to enrage Coulter is Donald Trump's Dan the Tweet, does not even mention Ann as worthless, so you really have to be worthless to not even be mentioned as worthless.

Look, Donald Trump cut me loose after this blog by God's Grace wrote the time line for him to be President. I never had any deals with him, but I took him at this word. I never went woman scorned when I did not get my way, I simply pointed it out in satire and data  where the President had failed MAGA. Donald Trump is none of the things Ann Coulter is menstruating about.......if she still can at her age, in fact the President got his footing faster than most and was the equal to Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower in understanding how to be President. Trump did it though with a coup trying to impeach him, and they are still at it to destroy his re election.

I just believe in honesty and getting mad and calling Donald Trump names, solves nothing, as Donald Trump does not need a bitchy woman wanting attention when he has Melania upstairs with those large comforting breasts.

Ann Coulter is really finished. She is old and is going to look like Hillary Clinton's mummy after another four years as she will not age well, and after you get rid of the looks, which were not there to start with, no one is going to want to buy a book or put her on television to screech. There are always younger and prettier, who are smarter to take the place of the old lezbo and the View is not Ann's crowd as McCain has fatted her out of the chair.

Ann Coulter has been used up. She should go quietly into the night, surrounded by the Obama fags she voted for. Maybe if she eats something she can get some greaser boyfriend to be her beard and at least have some purpose in life, because the fact is, Donald Trump is President. He is going to be President for more than 4 years, because his children and those loyal to the Trump legacy are going to be writing the checks, and in those checks, none will be signed for Ann Coulter as she is increasingly being exposed as the very things she rants at the President, "retard, idiot, moron, lout".

She is a cunt though, as she is the definition of that. Get a fat cunt Ann. You will be happier and not expecting the married, most powerful and successful man in the world to want you.

Nuff Said
