Tuesday, June 16, 2020

An Assassination Attempt on the President at West Point

‘Wasn’t going to fall for Fake News’: Trump says ‘very ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All of you missed something when President Donald Trump attended West Point and gave the graduation speech, but Jeff Rense was fixated on it, as were numbers of those in the left.

In the links below, ANTIFA liberals were coordinating online, attempting to make the President look feeble and sick, by focusing on the President holding a water glass (Donald Trump has always deliberately held any glass.) and the President walking down a ramp, being escorted by a Black soldier.

There were even photo examinations stating the President was wearing lifts and discussions on his saying Douglas MacArthur.

Just like George Floyd had miracle riots which were planned for, this event with the President at West Point was generating far too much, than what it should have. It was the reality that those on the left were expecting something to happen to the President at West Point.

Trump's Difficult Time Walking Down A 10 Degree Ramp

Dr. Jerome Corsi has detailed his insider information that there is a plot to remove Donald Trump by July of this year to deny him the Republican Nomination. I have noticed that Senator Lindsey Graham in his Senate hearings came under Twitter assassination in numbers of boys were posting that Graham had been their sugar daddy, and now the videos have run of Graham praising Joe Biden.

Those who do not John Durham indictments to come, are investing a great deal of effort to destroy key people.

 The President immediately responded by his Twitter staff, that he did not want to fall and give the fake news something to report. The Twitter staff missed it though, as the President stated something odd, and you can see the Black soldier walking odd too, in the ramp was SLIPPERY.

Now ramps are built for wheelchairs and cripples, like Veterans with their leg blowed off. There is not a ramp in this world which is built of materials which would turn a 10 degree angle into a ski slope in June or December, and yet this ramp at West Point was indeed slick.

You should have connected the dots by now in Colin Powell came out illegally attacking the President. James Mattis came out illegally attacking the President. Mike Mullen came out illegally attacking the President. The Join Chief in Milley apologized for accompanying the President to an ANTIFA burned out Church. SecDef Esper was not doing everything to stop ANTIFA. There was a group of coordinated Pentagonians who had been running verbal barrage against the President, and it all led up to West Point, where a slick ramp had appeared, with ANTIFA keyboards in the waiting, for the President to slip on this ramp and be smeared as incapable of being the President.
Hillary Clinton continually falling down cost her the election and someone has been busy at West Point to perform the coup de grace on the Trump Presidency by building a ramp which would harm the President, as slick ramps do not happen by accident.

Call this Rampgate, but someone who is part of this uprising against the President and America, who had access to that ramp, coated it with something which was intended to make the President fall. That is a felony and it is an assassination attempt.

It is the responsibility of the Secret Service to walk every step the President will. Someone though with connections got to that reviewing stand and sabotaged it. They either built that ramp with something sophisticated to make the President slip or it was coated with something somehow between the Secret Service sweeping this area, or the reality is the Secret Service detail was involved in this, as these areas are checked and monitored for everything from radiation to bombs, and there is not any way someone is going to be coating a ramp or a ramp the President is walking on is not going to be noticed as slick.

This group is after the President. There was not any coincidence in the sophistication of the numerous attempts of infecting people who would have contact with the President with Coronavirus. This is the kind of deep state Obama operation which was unleashed on Jerome Corsi in Kenya when the old man was thrown into prison without his heart meds, as Corsi was supposed to die.

There is no doubt that West Point was an attack upon President Donald Trump. From the Corsi revelations, they will try and keep trying, to make the President appear in a degraded state, just as the insiders tried the same fabrications against President Ronald Reagan to remove him by the 25th Amendment as COS Howard Baker who helped bring down Richard Nixon was looking that day to catch Ronald Reagan in a lapse.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

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